You are bidding on one (1) working (B0020043) and one (1) not work (B0020051) Phase One H20 Digital backs. The working back has been in studio service for the past 15 years. The sensor is very clean and has no visible damage. Yesterday I photographed the non functional H20 with the functional one to show the image quality and that it does function properly these photos have been added to the auction. This auction includes two (2) H20 digital backs, One (1) Phase One leather bag, one (1) image sensor cover and one (1) original shipping box. The non functioning H20 (B0020051) lights and blinks when actuated however the image that it sends to the Mac is solid black. I sent it to an authorized dealer for repair the the cost was higher than I was willing to spend. They recommended keeping it for parts. Please feel free to ask any questions. I am selling my entire studio so please see my other auctions. I had many questions and offers on this item, so I removed it to add the additional information before there were any bids and am now relisting.