This account has 17 SSR servants (some with higher NP) and 29 SR servants (almost everyone of those is NP 5).
CE's such as Fragment 2030, Kaleid or Hydrargyum are available for any teams. Tons of others, too.

NP lvls for SSRs are:
Raikou NP 2
Jalter NP 3
Jeanne NP 2
Jack NP 2
Weaver NP 2
Karna NP 2
Rest is 1.

I've put alot into this account and it always carried me through every content of the game easily. Sadly I'm loosing time to continue playing and hope, that someone will pick it up and take good care of it. 
If you have any questions let me know. Once I get the payment I'll transfere the code and password within 24h max.