Catuaba Bark Herba Organica

Catuaba Bark Herba Organica has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for its numerous health benefits, and now you can experience its wonders in a convenient and potent form.

Catuaba Bark Herba Organica is known for its aphrodisiac properties and is often used as a natural remedy to enhance libido. That herb is also believed to have mood-enhancing properties that can help reduce stress, and anxiety, and promote relaxation. Catuaba Bark Herba Organica is believed to have neuroprotective properties, supporting brain health and cognitive function. It may help improve memory, focus, and mental clarity.

Catuaba Bark Herba Organica is also believed to have immune-boosting properties, helping to strengthen the immune system and support overall immune function. It contains a unique blend of antioxidants, alkaloids, and flavonoids that help support healthy blood flow, boost energy levels, and promote overall vitality.

How To Use:

To prepare Catuaba Bark tea, use 1-2 teaspoons of Catuaba Bark Herba Organica to 250ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, then let steep for 15 minutes, then strain. After straining the mixture is ready to use. As Catuaba Bark has a naturally bitter taste, so you may want to add sweetener or other flavorings to suit your taste preferences.



The purpose of this product description is solely to provide information. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice from a qualified doctor, and it should not be used as a substitute for medication or therapy.