The Edison Disc Phonographs and the Diamond Discs

Although a number of books have been devoted to the evolution of the phonograph and gramophone, this book was the first to focus on the development of Thomas Edison's Diamond Discs and the history behind the robust and ornate instruments that were designed to play them. This new edition expands and adds information to that story.

Edison demonstrated tinfoil phonograph in 1877 and in the next year built several phonographs to play discs, again using tinfoil. Other matters intervened, and when he returned to the development of a successful disc phonograph thirty years later, he used an accurately-made thermo-plastic disc record with precision cut and polished diamond styluses to record and reproduce the sound.

A number of period style instruments were commissioned from various designers for playing these Diamond Discs in the home and in the twenty years of their production well over three score models and type options were on offer, ranging from "millionaires' models" in Sheraton and Gothic to portables and painted table models that were taken to France and the Western Front in 1917. Between these styles were to be found the quality Official Laboratory Models that happily have shown a good survival rate and are now prized by collectors.

The author, who was born in London, has been a follower of the history of the Edison cylinder and disc Phonographs since the mid-1950s. George Frow is honored to have been the President of the City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society since 1974, and is only the third person to hold the office since the Society's formation in 1919.

ISBN 0960646634
Format Paperback
Author George L. Frow
Publisher Mulholland Press, 2001
Pages 294
Price Guide None
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