This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

Philip Dru: Administrator - A Story of Tomorrow, 1920-1935, by Edward E House 1912

A Journey to the centre of the Earth by Jules Verne 1905

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne 1870

From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne 1865

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift 1920

A Houseboat on the Styx by John K Banks 1902

The Source's of Gulliver's Travels by Max Pol

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 1869

Micromegas by Voltaire 1752


A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs 1912

Erewhon by Samuel Butler 1917 (Erewhon is an anagram of "nowhere")

Erewhon revisited twenty years later by Samuel Butler 1910

A Voyage to the Moon by George Tucker 1827

Flatland -  a Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott 1884

The Epic of Gilgamesh by Morris Jastrow 1920

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allen Poe 1838
"One scene in this book visits a whaling ship lost at sea, taking with it all but 4 crewmen. Out of food, the men drew lots to see who would be eaten, the unfortunate decision landing on a young cabin boy named Richard Parker (and here it gets really weird)....46 years later there was an actual disaster at sea involving the Mignonette wherein the men drew lots and decided to eat their cabin boy...a boy named Richard Parker."

Atlantis - the Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly 1882

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy 1917 (the story of Julian West, a young American who, towards the end of the 19th century, falls into a deep, hypnosis-induced sleep and wakes up 113 years later. He finds himself in the same location but in a totally changed [Socialistic] world)

The Great Keinplatz Experiment by Arthur Conan Doyle 1913

The Final War by Louis Tracy 1896

The Odyssey, Books 1-8, 1905

The Odyssey, Books 9-16, 1905

The Odyssey, Books 17-24, 1905

The Magic Skin by Honore de Balzac 1915

Beowulf, by WJ Sedgefield 1910

The Mahabharata 1884

The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1871 (the main character discovers a highly evolved subterranean civilization)

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain 1917

The Land of Oz by Frank L Baum 1904

Dorothy and the wizard in Oz by Frank L Baum 1908

The Red One by Jack London 1919  (a story involving extraterrestrials)

The Iron Heel by Jack London 1907 (set in the future from that author's point of view)

King Arthur and his Knights by MR Warren 1905

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William Langland 1917

A Wonder Book of Old Romance (William and the werewolf, King Robert of Sicily, Sir Cleges and the cherries, The fair unknown, King Horn, The seven wise masters, Sir Degoré and the broken sword etc) by FJ Darton 1907

The King of the Golden River by John Ruskin 1906

The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald 1920

Works of Fancy and Imagination, Volume 1 by George MacDonald 1871

Works of Fancy and Imagination, Volume 3 by George MacDonald 1871

Works of Fancy and Imagination, Volume 4 by George MacDonald 1871

Works of Fancy and Imagination, Volume 7 by George MacDonald 1871

Works of Fancy and Imagination, Volume 8 by George MacDonald 1871

Works of Fancy and Imagination, Volume 9 by George MacDonald 1871

Works of Fancy and Imagination, Volume 10 by George MacDonald 1871

Phantastes - a Faerie Romance for Men and Women by George MacDonald 1920

The Well at the World's End by William Morris, Volume 1, 1903

The Well at the World's End by William Morris, Volume 2, 1903

A Tale of the House of the Wolfings by William Morris 1892

The Story of the Glittering Plain which has been also called the Land of living men or the Acre of the undying by William Morris 1891

News from Nowhere by William Morris 1897

Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair by William Morris 1900

The Water of the Wondrous Isles by William Morris 1897 (perhaps the first modern fantasy writer to unite an imaginary world with the element of the supernatural)

The Sundering Flood by William Morris 1898

The Gods of Pegana by Lord Dunsany 1916

The Chronicles of Rodriguez by Lord Dunsany 1922

The Sword of Welleran by Lord Dunsany 1908

Tales of Three hemispheres by Lord Dunsany 1918

Tales of Wonder by Lord Dunsany 1916

The Last Book of Wonder by Lord Dunsany 1916

A Dreamer's Tales, and other Stories

The Worm Ouroboros by E. R. Eddison 1922

Doctor Huguet by I Donnelly 1891

Gods and their Makers by Laurence Housman 1897

The Field of Clover by Laurence Housman 1898

The Life of Sir Aglovale de Galis by Clemence Housman 1905

The Home of the Seven Devils by Horace Newte 1913

The Old English Baron a Gothic story. Also The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole

Tales and fantasies by Robert Louis Stevenson 1905

Devil Stories - an Anthology, by MJ Rudwin 1921

The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen 1894

The Twilight of the Gods by Richard Garnett 1888

The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France 1914 (full of metaphysical mockery on the one hand and a portrayal of Satan as seeker of mysteries on the other.)

Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things by L Hearn 1904

The Romance of the Milky Way and other studies & stories by L Hearn 1905

Doctor Grimshawe's secret by Nathaniel Hawthorne 1883

The Snow-image and other Twice-told tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne 1876

Fairy Tales and Romances by Anthony Hamilton 1849

Eric Brighteyes by H R Haggard 1891

Stella Fregelius, a Tale of Three Destinies by H R Haggard 1903

Foggerty's Fairy, and other Tales by WS Gilbert 1890

The Monomaniac: Or, Shirley Hall Asylum by William Gilbert 1864

The Magic Mirror by William Gilbert 1866

Fables and Fabulists, ancient and modern by Thomas Newbigging 1895

Avatar, Jettatura, The Water pavilion by Theophile Gautier 1902 (Avatar has to do with identity exchange, Jettatura is about the Evil Eye)

Martin Pippin in the apple orchard by E Farjeon 1922

Weird Tales by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann 1885

Walter Besant's Works 1894 (The Doubts of Dives, The Demoniac, The doll's house-and after)

Melomaniacs by James Huneker 1902

Selected tales of Mystery by Edgar Allen Poe 1909

Auriol: The Elixir of Life by William Harrison Ainsworth 1898

Told after supper by Jerome K Jerome 1891

The chronicles of Clovernook by Douglas Jerrold 1846

The Heroes by Charles Kinsley 1856

The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes by Rudyard Kipling

The Lord of the Dark Red Star by Eugene Lee-Hamilton 1903

The Romance of the Fountain by Eugene Lee-Hamilton 1905

Hauntings & Fantastic stories by Vernon Lee 1906

Before Adam by Jack London 1907

Unveiling a Parallel, by Two Women of the West 1893

The Magnet - a Romance of the Battles of Modern Giants by Alfred O Crozier 1908

Welsh Rarebit Tales by Harle Oren Cummins 1902

On a Torn-Away World - The Captives of the Great Earthquake by Roy Rockwood 1913

When the Sleeper Wakes by HG Wells 1899

Camperdown by Mary Griffith 1836

Timar's Two Worlds by Maurus Jokai 1894

A Time of Terror by Douglas M Ford 1906

The Woman who Vowed by Ellison Harding 1908

The Man Who Ended War by Hollis Godfrey 1908

The Story of Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll 1904

Prince Prigio by Andrew Lang 1889

Weird Islands by Jean de Boschere 1921

The Magic Aeroplane by LRS Henderson 1911

The Voyages and Travels of Sindbad the Sailor 1843

The Smoky God - A Voyage to the Inner World by Willis G Emerson 1908

A Journey to the World Under-ground by Nicholas Klimius 1742

The Cuckoo Clock by Mrs Molesworth 1882

Four Winds Farm by Mrs Molesworth 1887

Pinocchio - the tale of a Puppet by Carlo Collodi 1911

The Book of Wonder by Lord Dunsany 1915

The Building of the City Beautiful by J Miller 1893

The Extra Day by Algernon Blackwood 1915

The Inner House by Walter Besant 1888

The Revolt of Man by Walter Besant 1896*

The Decline and Fall of the British Empire by Elliot Evans Mills 1905

Better Days - A millionaire of To-morrow by Thomas P Fitch 1891

Humanity and the Mysterious Knight by Mack Stauffer 1914

The Last Generation - a story of the Future by James E Flecker 1908

James Ingleton: The History of a Social State, A.D. 2000 by Mr Dick 1893

The City in the Clouds by C Ranger Gull 1922

The Merry Tales of the Three Wise Men of Gotham by James K Paulding 1826

Dr. Silex by JB Harris-Burland 1905

Romance Island by Zona Gale 1906

The Commonwealth of Oceana by James Harrington 1656

The Island of Fantasy by Fergus Hume 1905

Erewhon by Samuel Butler 1872

Erewhon Revisited by Samuel Butler 1910

Democracy A.D. 2100 (1897)

A Traveler from Altruria by William D Howells 1894

Upsidonia by Archibald Marshall 1915

Etidorhpa - The End of Earth - the Strange History of a Mysterious Being and the Account of a Remarkable Journey by John Uri Lloyd 1901

Christianopolis - an Ideal State of the 17th Century by Johann V Andrea 1914

Across the Zodiac - a Story of Adventure by Edwin Pallander 1896

The Plan of Laughing Land by W Costley 1906

Modern Paradise by Henry Olerich 1915

The New Regime A.D. 2202 by John Ira Brant 1909

Utopia - The History of an Extinct Planet by Alfred Denton Cridge 1884

A Fortune from the Sky by Skelton Kuppord 1903

Freeland - a Social Anticipation by T Hertzka 1891

The First American King by George G Hastings 1905

The Elixir of Life 2905 A.D. a Novel of the Far Future by Herbert Gubbins 1914

Limanora - the Island of Progress by Godrey Sweven 1903

Meccania the Super-State by Owen Gregory 1918

John Harvey - a Tale of the 20th Century by Anon Moore 1897

The World in 1931 by Stewart E Bruce 1921

The Destruction of Gotham by Joaqiun Miller 1886

The World Rebuilt by Walter Walsh 1917

Life in a Thousand Worlds by William S Harris 1905

Another World - Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah by Hermes 1873

Athonia - The Original "400" by H George Schuette 1911

Beyond the Horizon by Fred B Morrill 1918

The Republic of the Future, or Socialism a Reality by Anna Bowman Dodd 1888

Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson 1908

From Earth's Centre by S Byron Welcome 1895

1900 - A Forecast and a Story by Marianne Farningham 1892

Daybreak - a Romance of an Old World by James Cowan 1896

A Modern Utopia by HG Wells 1904

The Ideal City by Cosimo Noto 1903

Account of an expedition to the interior of New Holland by Lady Mary Fox 1837

The Immortals' Great Quest by James W Barlow 1909

A Crystal Age by WH Hudson 1922

The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer Lytton 1871

Armata by Thomas Erskine 1817

The Republic of Plato 1906

History of a World of Immortals without a God by Jane Barlow 1891

The New Republic by James Leddy 1902

A Romance of Two Centuries - a Tale of the Year 2025 by Kenneth S Guthrie 1919

A.D. 2000 by A.M. Fuller 1890

The New Columbia - The Re-United States by Patrick Tangent 1909

The Perfect World by Ella Scrymsour 1922

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy 1917 (the story of Julian West, a young American who, towards the end of the 19th century, falls into a deep, hypnosis-induced sleep and wakes up 113 years later. He finds himself in the same location but in a totally changed [Socialistic] world)

In 1897 Bellamy wrote a sequel, _Equality_, dealing with women's rights, education and many other issues. Bellamy wrote the sequel to elaborate and clarify many of the ideas merely touched upon in _Looking Backward_.

The success of Looking Backward provoked a spate of sequels, parodies, satires, and skeptical dystopian responses. A partial list includes:
Looking Further Forward: An Answer to "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy (1890), by Richard C. Michaelis

Looking Further Backward (1890), by Arthur Dudley Vinton

Speaking of Ellen (1890), by Linn Boyd Porter

Looking Beyond (1891), by Ludwig A. Geissler

Mr. East's Experiences in Mr. Bellamy's World (1891), by Conrad Wilbrandt

Looking Within: The Misleading Tendencies of "Looking Backward" Made Manifest (1893), by J. W. Roberts

Young West: A Sequel to Edward Bellamy's Celebrated Novel "Looking Backward" (1894), by Solomon Schindler

Looking Forward (1906), by Harry W. Hillman.

The result was a "battle of the books" that lasted through the rest of the 19th century and into the 20th. The back-and-forth nature of the debate is illustrated by the subtitle of Geissler's 1891 Looking Beyond, which is "A Sequel to 'Looking Backward' by Edward Bellamy and an Answer to 'Looking Forward' by Richard Michaelis".
William Morris's 1890 utopia News from Nowhere was partly written in reaction to Bellamy's utopia, which Morris did not find congenial.

The Socialist Science Fiction on this disk includes:

Equality by Edward Bellamy 1908

Looking further Forward - An Answer to "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy (1890), by Richard C. Michaelis

Looking Further Backward (1890), by Arthur Dudley Vinton

Speaking of Ellen (1889), by Linn Boyd Porter (Albert Ross)

Looking Beyond (1891), by Ludwig A. Geissler

Mr. East's Experiences in Mr. Bellamy's World: Records of the Years 2001 and 2002 by Conrad Wilbrandt 1891

Looking Within: The Misleading Tendencies of "Looking Backward" Made Manifest (1893), by J. W. Roberts

Young West: A Sequel to Edward Bellamy's Celebrated Novel "Looking Backward" (1894), by Solomon Schindler

Looking Forward (1906), by Harry W. Hillman

News From Nowhere by William Morris 1890

Plus You Get:

The White Stone by Anatole France 1910

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman 1894

Moving the Mountain by Charlotte Gilman 1911

The Angel of the Revolution by George Griffith 1895

Eugene Sue—The Wandering Jew, Volume 1, 1845

Eugene Sue—The Wandering Jew, Volume 2, 1845

Eugene Sue—The Wandering Jew, Volume 3, 1845
(the hero is a dispossessed laborer and the author is a radical socialist)

The Happy Prince and Other Stories by Oscar Wilde 1907

Utopia by Thomas More 1902

The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon 1909

Black Swirl Divider Clip Art


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