This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. They have been scanned page by page from the original texts. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

Was Peter Ever in, and Bishop of Rome? article in The New Englander 1871

Priestly Celibacy Exposed by George Fox 1854

Plain reasons against joining the church of Rome by Richard Littledale 1880

The Petrine claims - A Critical Inquiry by Richard Littledale 1889

The Trial and Conviction of a Franciscan Monk by P. M'Loskey 1852

Paul's Rebuke of Peter, article in The Evangelical Magazine 1832

Old Christianity against Papal Novelties by G. Ouseley 1847

Essays on Romanism By Robert Benton Seeley 1839

'The Beast and his Image' or, The Pope and the Council of Trent by Frederic Fysh 1837

Manual of Romish controversy by Richard Blakeney 1875

Fifty years in the Church of Rome by Charles Chiniquy 1888

The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional by Charles Chiniquy 1887

Roman Catholic Claims by Charles Gore 1894

An appeal against the Roman Catholic claims 1812

Purgatory, Transubstantiation and the Mass Examined by the light of Holy Scripture by Henry Roe 1863

The Absurdities of Popery 1840

Transubstantiation tried by Scripture and reason by Charles Smith Bird 1839

The Primitive Church and the Primacy of Rome by Giorgio Bartoli (former Jesuit) 1909

Why Should a Lutheran not join any Sectarian Church by VW Richter 1913

The Privilege of Peter And the Claims of the Roman Church by RC Jenkins 1875

The Catholic Controversy: Maintained in the Periodical Publications
by John Thayer, George Lesslie - 1809 - 121 pages

Letters in the Roman Catholic Controversy
by William Craig Brownlee - 1834 - 364 pages

Catholic Controversy: A Reply to Dr. Littledale's "Plain Reasons"
by Henry Ignatius D. Ryder - 1881

The American cardinal - a Novel by John Leavitt 1871

The Devil in Robes - The Sin of Priests by Robert McCallen 1900

The Murder of Abraham Lincoln planned and executed by Jesuit priests by Charles Chiniquy 1893

Who Assassinated Abraham Lincoln? by Charles Chiniquy 1880

The Controversial Methods of Romanism by Arthur Brinkman 1888

Woman, Church and State - A Historical account of the status of woman through the Christian ages by MJ Gage 1893

Demonstration of the Necessity of Abolishing a constrained Clerical Celibacy, exhibiting the Evils of that Institution by DA Feijo 1844

An Historical Sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian Church by Henry Lea 1884

An Outline of the History of Clerical Celibacy in Western Europe by Early Sperry 1905

The Celibacy of the Romish Clergy, article in The Baltimore Literary and Religious Magazine 1835

The Whole Evidence Against the Claims of the Roman Church by S. Robins 1855

The Idolatry of the Church of Rome by AS Thelwall 1844

Romanism contradictory to the Bible by Thomas Home 1827

The Church of Rome evidently proved heretic by Peter Berault 1830

Ireland Popery and Priestcraft the Cause of her Misery and Crime by JC Colquhoun 1837

Remonstrance against Romish corruptions in the Church by John Purvey 1851

Papal Idolatry, an exposure of the dogma of Transubstantiation and Mariolatry by Charles Chiniquy 1899

Almost a Priest - A Tale that deals in facts by Julia McNair Wright 1870 (first few pages poorly scanned)

The Reign of AntiChrist, or The Great Falling Away, by JM Sjodahl 1913

The Two Babylons by Rev Alexander Hislop 1862

Fathers of the Catholic Church. A Brief examination of the "falling away" of the Church in the First 3 centuries by EJ Waggonner 1888

A Treatise on Infant Baptism by James Robertson 1836

Infant Baptism an Invention of Men by I Chase 1863

Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles Compared: The Gould Prize Essays
by William Thomas Whitley, Gerald Hamilton Beard, Charles Benjamin Dalton 1908

Christian Apologetics: A Defense of the Catholic Faith
by Walter Devivier, Sebastian Gebhard Messmer 1903

The End of Religious Controversy, in a Friendly Correspondence Between a Religious Society of Protestants and a Roman Catholic Divine
by John Milner - 1887 - 352 pages   

The Archpriest Controversy: Documents Relating to the Dissensions of the Roman Catholic Clergy
by Thomas Graves Law - 1896

The Infallibility of the Church: A Course of Lectures Delivered
by George Salmon - 1890

The present state of the controversy between the Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches
by Hunter Gordon - 1837

A Discourse against Transubstantiation by John Tillotson 1685

The Religion of the Pope and Primitive Christianity - a contrast by AJ Antisell 1891

Symbolism: Or, Exposition of the Doctrinal Differences Between Catholics and Protestants
by Johann Adam Möhler - 1844 - 575 pages

A Christian peace-offering; an endeavour to abate the asperities of the controversy between the Roman and English Catholic Churches
by Arthur Philip Perceval - 1829

A Debate on the Roman Catholic Religion: Held in the Sycamore-Street Meeting Hall
by Alexander Campbell, John Baptist Purcell - 1837 - 350 pages

A Discussion of the Question, Is the Roman Catholic Religion inimical to civil or religious liberty
by John Hughes, John Breckinridge - 1867 - 540 pages

A Full Catechism of the Catholic Religion
by Joseph Deharbe - 1889 - 320 pages

The Papal Sovereignty: Viewed in Its Relations to the Catholic Religion
by Félix Dupanloup - 1860 - 460 pages

The History of Popish Transubstantiation
by John Cosin, John Sherren Brewer - 1840 - 260 pages

The Popish Plot: A Study in the History of the Reign of Charles II
by John Pollock 1903

Jesuit Juggling: Forty Popish Frauds Detected and Disclosed
by Richard Baxter - 1835 - 305 pages

Popery! As it was and as it is: Also, Auricular Confession; and Popish Nunneries
by William Hogan - 1854

Open Convents, Or, Nunneries and Popish Seminaries Dangerous to the Morals ...
by Theodore Dwight - 1836 - 176 pages

The Doctrine of the Real Presence: As Contained in the Fathers...
by Edward Bouverie Pusey - 1883 - 700 pages

Christ's Discourse at Capernaum: Fatal to the Doctrine of Transubstantiation ...
by George Stanley Faber - 1840 - 245 pages

The Idol Demolished by Its Own Priest: An Answer to Cardinal Wiseman's Lectures on Transubstantion
by James Sheridan Knowles - 1852 - 308 pages

The Roman Catholic Religion Viewed in the Light of Prophecy and History ...
by William Craig Brownlee - 1843 - 100 pages

Romanism as it is, by Rev. Samuel W Barnum 1871

The Difficulties of Romanism by George Faber 1830

The History of Romanism from the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time by Rev. John Dowling 1845

AWFUL DISCLOSURES by Maria Monk (plus several other books on Maria Monk)
From wikipedia:
"Maria Monk (June 27, 1816 – summer of 1839) was a Canadian woman who claimed to have been a nun who had been sexually exploited in her convent. She, or ghost writers who used her as their puppet, wrote a sensational book about these allegations.
Maria Monk's book Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, or, The Hidden Secrets of a Nun's Life in a Convent Exposed was published in January 1836. In it, Monk claimed that nuns of the Sisters of Charity of a Montreal convent of the Hôtel-Dieu were forced to have sex with the priests in the seminary next door. The priests supposedly entered the convent through a secret tunnel. If the sexual union produced a baby, it was baptized and then strangled and dumped into a lime pit in the basement. Uncooperative nuns disappeared. Historians are unanimous in their agreement that the whole account was false."

Archbishop Usher's Answer to a Jesuit with other Tracts on Popery 1885

Crimes of Christianity BY G. W. FOOTE AND J. M. WHEELER

The Monk by Matthew Lewis

Dr. Wiseman's popish literary blunders exposed by Charles Hastings Collette 1860

Catholic and Protestant by FJ Kinsman 1913

On the Bible Canon:

The canon of the Bible: its formation, history and fluctuations
by Samuel Davidson - 1880

How Do I Know What is the Bible, article in Scribner's Monthly 1877

A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament by Brooke Foss Westcott

The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament, Collected, Translated and Discussed by MR James 1920

The Book of God in Light of the Higher Criticism by GW Foote (has a chapter on the Canon)

The Canon of the New Testament, article in THE BIBLICAL WORLD

The Apocrypha Problem and other articles in The Biblical Review 1916

Our Bible; its origin, character and value by Herbert Whillett 1917

2nd Maccabees and Purgatory, article in the Southern Presbyterian review (1847)

Errata of the Protestant Bible - The truth of the English translations examined in a treatise showing some of the errors that are to be found in the English translations of the Sacred Scriptures used by Protestants by Thomas Ward 1876

Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles compared by MW Jacobus 1908

THE BIBLE CATHOLIC OR SCRIPTURE TEXTS FOR CATHOLIC DOCTRINE, article in The Catholic magazine and register 1850

Protestant text book of the Romish controversy (Chapter 2 is on the Apocrypha) by James Todd 1879

A Book about the English Bible by Josiah Penniman 1919

The Apocryphal books of the Old and New Testament by HT Andrews 1908


How the Bible Grew by Frank Lewis 1919

The Protestant Church and the Bible, article in the The Treasury magazine 1891

On the Canon of the Old Testament, article in The Quarterly Christian spectator 1838

Articles on the Canon in the Theological Lectures Magazine

Tobit and the Babylonian Apocryphal writings by Archibald Henry Sayce

The Douay or Catholic Bible, article in the Congregational Review 1867

The Old Testament Apocrypha - Article in the Union Seminary Magazine 1897

The canon of the Old and New Testaments ascertained;
by Archibald Alexander - 1831

The Bible Verified
by Andrew Webster Archibald - 1890 - 245 pages

The Origin And Authority Of The Biblical Canon In The Anglican Church
H. W. Howorth
Journal Of Theological Studies, 1906, pp.1-40. (in text format)

The Formation of the Canon of the New Testament
By B.B. Warfield
Pub. 1892, by the American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia, Pa. (in text format)

The Canon and the Text of the New Testament by Caspar Rene Gregory
Canonical & Uncanonical Gospels, with a Translation of the Recently Discovered Fragments, 1893, by W.E. Barnes

The Canon and the Text of the New Testament by Alexander Souter

The Text and Canon of the New Testament
by Alexander Souter - 1913 - 250 pages

Canon Muratorianus: The Earliest Catalogue of the Books of the New Testament
by Lodovico Antonio Muratori, Samuel Prideaux Tregelles - 1867 - 105 pages

The Doctrine of Sacred Scripture: A Critical, Historical, and Dogmatic
by George Trumbull Ladd - 1883

The Historic Origin of the Bible: A Handbook of Principal Facts
by Edwin Cone Bissell - 1889 - 430 pages

The Bible: Its Meaning and Supremacy
by Frederic William Farrar - 1897 - 350 pages

Origin and Development of the Nicene Theology
by Hugh McDonald Scott - 1896 - 380 pages

The Facts about Luther
by Patrick F. O'Hare - 1916 - 360 pages

Catholic Pocket Dictionary and Cyclopedia: Containing a Brief Explanation
by James Joseph McGovern - 1906 - 290 pages

A Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms
by Frederick George Lee - 1877 - 450 pages

English Bible Versions: With Special Reference to the Vulgate, the Douay, the Authorized and Revised Versions
by Henry Barker - 1907 - 370 pages

Origin and History of the Books of the Bible: Both the Canonical and the...
by Calvin Ellis Stowe - 1868 - 580 pages

A New and Full Method of Settling the Canonical Authority of the New Testament
by Jeremiah Jones - 1798

Twenty-five Agrapha: Or Extra-canonical Sayings of Our Lord
by Blomfield Jackson - 1900 - 70 pages

An apology for the Septuagint, in which its claims to biblical and canonical authority are briefly stated and vindicated
by Edward William Grinfield - 1850

The Books of the Old and New Testaments Canonical and Inspired: With Remarks on the Apocrypha
by Robert Haldane 1840 - 185 pages

The Dissonance of the Four Generally Received Evangelists
by Edward Evanson 1805 - 340 page

Canonical & Uncanonical Gospels, with a Translation of the Recently Discovered Gospel of Peter
by William Emery Barnes - 1893 - 110 pages

Introduction to the Canonical books of the Old Testament
by Carl Heinrich Cornill - 1907

The End of Religious Controversy
by John Milner - 1906 - 480 pages

Milner Refuted: Or Pious Frauds Exemplified in Dr. Milner's "End of Religious Controversy" by Charles Hastings Collette - 1856

Apocrypha of King James Version - 1896 - 170 pages

The Apocrypha: Greek and English, in Parallel Columns
1871 - 240 pages

Acta apostolorum apocrypha
by Constantin von Tischendorf - 1851 - 270 pages
Text in Greek; introductory material in Latin.

Apocrypha Sinaitica
by Margaret Dunlop Gibson - 1896 - 147 pages

The Value of the Apocrypha
by Bernard Joseph Snell- 1905 - 127 pages

The Arguments of Romanists from the Infallibility of the Church and the ...
by James Henley Thornwell - 1845 - 410 pages
At head of title: The Apocryphal books of the Old Testament proved to be corrupt additions to the Word of God.

Apocrypha Arabica by Margaret Dunlop Gibson - 1901

Roman Forgeries and Falsifications, Or, An Examination of Counterfeit OR Corrupted Record with Especial Reference to Popery
by Richard Gibbings - 1849 - 135 pages

A list of editions of the holy Scriptures and parts thereof
by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan - 1861
A Protestant Dictionary: Containing Articles on the History, Doctrines ETC
by Charles Henry Hamilton Wright, Charles Neil - 1904 - 825 pages
The three additions made in the Apocrypha to the Book of Daniel are of no historical
value. ... The above-mentioned books are popularly "the Apocrypha.

The Ancestry of Our English Bible: An Account of ManuscriptS
by Ira Maurice Price - 1920 - 320 pages
... CHAPTER XII THE APOCRYPHA 98. The so-called apocryphal books cannot be overlooked
in any discussion of the antecedents of the English Bible.

The Evidences Against Christianity
by John Shertzer Hittell - 1857
Besides, we find that many books referred to it the Bible, are lost—and apparently
they were books divinely inspired : for we cannot-presume that an ...

An Inquiry Into the Scriptural Import of the Words Sheol, Hades, Tartarus
by Walter Balfour - 1825 - 340 pages
But as the Targums and the Apocrypha are appealed to in proof of this doctrine,
it might be deemed wrong in me altogether to overlook the argument...

Old Bibles: An Account of the Early Versions of the English Bible
by John Read Dore - 1888 - 395 pages
In the place where the Apocrypha ought to be, there is an address from the Synod
of Dort, ordering this portion of Holy Scripture to be omitted, ...

An abridgement of the Apocrypha
by Caroline Maxwell - 1828

The Difficulties of Romanism
by George Stanley Faber  - 1830 - 305 pages

On the canon of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament
by Christopher Wordsworth - 1848

The uncanonical and apocryphal scriptures, with introductions to the several books and fragments
edited by William Ralph Churton - 1884

The Bible of Bibles: Or, Twenty-seven "Divine Revelations
by Kersey Graves, Lydia M. Graves - 1879 - 440 pages

An Historical Account and Defence of the Canon of the New Testament by Sir William Davenant 1700

On Sola Scriptura:

The religion of Protestants a Safeway to Salvation by William Chillingworth

Dangers of Jesuit Instruction - Brownson's Quarterly Review 1846
"If Protestants take the Bible alone, why do they differ so among themselves? why have they so many commentators? and why is it that those born and brought up Presbyrterians, as a general rule, find the Bible teaching Presbyterianism, and those brought up Unitarians find it teaching Unitarianism? Every sect has its traditions, and by these it, consciously or unconsciously, interprets the Bible. It cannot avoid doing so, even if it would."

Popery Calmly Considered by John Welsey
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church."

The Truths of the Catholic Religion Proved from Scripture Alone by Thomas Bulter 1857, Volume 1

The Truths of the Catholic Religion Proved from Scripture Alone by Thomas Bulter 1857, Volume 2

Theopneusty: Or, The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures by Louis Gaussen - 1844

A Disputation on Holy Scripture Against the Papists by William Whittaker 1849

The British Controversialist and Literary Magazine 1860

The Inspiration of the Scriptures by Francis Patton 1869

The Divine Authority of the Bible by George Frederick Wright - 1884

Holy Scripture verified; or, The divine authority of the Bible by George Redford 1837

The Westminster Confession of Faith
"VII. All things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves, nor alike clear unto all; yet those things which are necessary to be known, believed, and observed, for salvation, are so clearly propounded and opened in some place of Scripture or other, that not only the learned, but the unlearned, in a due use of the ordinary means, may attain unto a sufficient understanding of them."

How We Got Our Bible by J. Patterson Smyth 1915

The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures by Eleazar Lord - 1857

How we got our American Standard Bible

The Judgment of the Anglican Church on the Sufficiency of Holy Scripture 1838

Lectures on the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible 1842
"When Tradition was discarded as a Rule of Faith independent of the Bible, our Reformers of course maintained, that the Bible alone contained all things, which were necessary for salvation. To the Bible alone, to the Bible without Tradition, did they appeal therefore in opposition to the Church of Rome: and, that all men might be enabled to judge, whether they rightly appealed, they wisely insisted, that the privilege of reading the Bible should be common to all men. But the Commentaries, which they wrote, beside the Confessions of Faith, which they composed, may convince us, that when they put the Bible into the hands of the people, they thought it necessary to add an explanation of it."

The Rule of Faith and the Doctrine of Inspiration by Robert Watts 1885

The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures Asserted by Samuel Noble 1828

The Bible Triumphant - 12 Dozen Skeptical Arguments Refuted by Mrs H.V. Reed 1882

The Sufficiency of Holy Scripture, a Prize Essay 1852 by Richard Glover
"Athanasius: "The holy and divinely-inspired Scriptures are of themselves sufficent for the discovery of truth. And again: "In the Scriptures alone the doctrine of Salvation is proclaimed. Let no man add to them, or take anything from them."
Jerome: "But the Word of God smites the other things which they spontaneously discover, and feign as it were by an Apostolic authority, without the authority and testimony of the Scriptures."

The Inspiration of the Scriptures  - A Review of the Theories by Alexander Carson, John Dick, John Pye Smith, Daniel Wilson 1853

On the Inquisition and Persecutions:

The Origin, Persecutions and Doctrines of the Waldenses
by Pius Melia  1870

A History of the Holy Catholic Inquisition by Cyrus 1835

A Short History of the Italian Waldenses by Sofia Bompiani 1899

History of the Waldenses: With an Introductory Sketch of the History of the Christian Churches by Adam Blair 1832

An Historical Defence of the Waldenses Or Vaudois
by Jean Rodolphe Peyran 1826

The Israel of the Alps: A Complete History of the Waldenses of Piedmont Volume 1 by Alexis Muston 1866

Facts and Documents Illustrative of the History, Doctrine and Rites, of the Ancient Albigensis and Waldenses by Samuel Roffey Maitland 1832

The history of the Waldenses and Albigenses Volume 1
by Thomas Taylor - 1793

Dealings with the Inquisition by G Achilli 1851

A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages
by Henry Charles Lea  1887

The Huguenot: A Tale of the French Protestants (Vol. 3, up to 333 pages)
by George Payne Rainsford James 1839

A Tale of the Huguenots: Or, Memoirs of a French Refugee Family
by James Fontaine, Francis Lister Hawks, Ann Maury - 1838

History of the Crusades Against the Albigenses in the Thirteenth Century
by Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde Sismondi 1833

An inquiry into the history and theology of the ancient Vallenses and Albigenses
by George Stanley Faber - 1838

Book of Martyrs by John Foxe

The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe: A New and Complete Edition (Volume 6)
by John Foxe, Stephen Reed Cattley, George Townsend 1838

The English Reformation: How it Came About, and why We Should Uphold it
by Cunningham Geike 1879

Rome of the Pilgrims and Martyrs: A Study in the Martyrologies
by Ethel Ross Barker 1913

A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths, of the Primitive as Well as the Protestant Martyrs from the Commencement of Christianity to the Latest Periods of Pagan and Popish Persecution by by John Foxe 1853

The Letters of the Martyrs: Collected and Published in 1564
by Miles Coverdale 1837

History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to our own Days 1854 by Charles Weiss Volume 1

History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to our own Days 1854 by Charles Weiss Volume 2

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