This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant by AD Lindsay 1913

The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant 1908

Agnosticism in Kant, article in the Princeton Review 1880

A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of pure reason' by Norman Kemp Smith 1918

The Philosophy of Kant explained by John Watson 1908

With what right is Kant's Critique of pure reason called a Theory of Experience by John Henry Bell 1899

The Critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Volume 1 by Edward Caird 1909

The Critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Volume 2 by Edward Caird 1909

A Critique of Kant by Kuno Fisher 1888

Kant's Introduction to Logic 1885

Critique of Pure Kant - A real realism vs. a Fictitious Idealism; in a word, the bubble and monstrosity of the Kantian metaphysic by Charles Wheeler 1911

The Epistemological Function of the "Thing in Itself" in Kant's philosophy by Albert Ross Hill 1905

Kant and his English Critics- A comparison of critical and empirical philosophy by John Watson 1881

Kant's Prolegomena, and Metaphysical foundations of natural science by Ernest Bax 1883

The Principle of Synthetic Unity in Berkeley and Kant by Samuel Dick 1898

An outline introductory to Kant's "Critique of pure reason" by RM Wenley 1897

A Study of Kant by James Ward 1922

Kant and his Philosophical Revolution by RM Wenley 1910

Kant's Ethics and Schopenhauer's Criticism by Michael Kelly 1910

Historical survey of speculative philosophy from Kant to Hegel by HM Chalybaus 1854

The Philosophy of Kant by Victor Cousin 1854

The Formal and Material Elements of Kant's Ethics by WM Washington 1898

Pragmatic Elements in Kant's Philosophy by Charles Witter 1913

Kant's Doctrine of Teleology by Elijah Kresge 1914

Kant's theory of knowledge by HA Prichard 1909

An Introduction to Kant's Critical Philosophy by George Whitney 1914

Kant, Lotze and Ritschl by L Stahlin 1889

Kant and [Herbert] Spencer, a critical exposition by BP Bowne 1910

Kant's philosophy as rectified by Schopenhauer by Michael Kelly 1909

Kant's Ethics -  A critical exposition by Noah Porter 1886

Immanuel Kant, A study and a comparison with Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Bruno, Plato and Descartes by HS Chamberlain Volume 1, 1914

Immanuel Kant, A study and a comparison with Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Bruno, Plato and Descartes by HS Chamberlain Volume 2, 1914

Kant's doctrine of freedom by Edmund Miller 1913

Kant's Critique of Judgement 1914

Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement 1911

On the Philosophy of Kant by Robert Adamson 1879

Critique of Practical Reason - Kant 1889

Critique of Pure Reason Volume 1 - Kant 1881

Critique of Pure Reason Volume 2 - Kant 1881

Immanuel Kant- his life and doctrine by F Paulsen 1902

Kant - The Science of Right 1790

Philosophy from DesCartes to Kant by Prof Ormond

Protestant thought before Kant by AC Mcgiffert 1911

The development of theology in Germany since Kant by Otto Pfleiderer 1890

The Kantian and Lutheran elements in Ritschls conception of God by GD Walcott 1904

The Kantian epistemology and theism by CW Hodge 1894

The Metaphysic of Ethics-Kant 1871

Text-book to Kant: The Critique of Pure Reason; Aesthetic, Categories, Schematism 1881 (some pages have some text obliterated, but not much)

Kant by William Wallace (Biography) 1882

Kant by E Hubbard 1903

Kant's Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics by Paul Carus 1912

The life of Immanuel Kant by JHW Stuckenberg 1882

Kant on Education 1899

Swedenborg Versus Berkeley, Kant, Coleridge by William Harbey 1846 (some pages missing - very old scan)

An introduction to the critical philosophy by William Monck 1874

Supplement to Theology and science of Government- Being a review of a book by Immanuel Kant, called Critique of pure reason by John Harris 1874

Lectures on the Philosophy of Kant and other philosophical lectures & essays by Harry Sidgwick 1905

Kant's critical philosophy for English readers 1915

The constitutive and regulative principles in Kant by Elijah Jordan 1912

Schopenhauer's Criticism of Kant's theory of experience by RA Tsanoff 1911

Kant's inaugural dissertation of 1770 (1894)

Kant's principles of politics, including his essay on Perpetual peace 1891

The Crowning Phase of the Critical Philosophy - a study in Kant's Critique of judgment by Robert Macmillan 1912

Seneca and Kant - An exposition of stoic and rationalistic ethics, with a comparison and criticism of the two systems by William Jackson 1881

Theological Essays By Arnold van Couthen Piccardt Huizinga (Kant's Ethics Autonomic, But Wholly Unlike Modern Morality) 1918

Kantian ethics and the ethics of Evolution by Jacob Gould Schurman 1881

Dreams of a Spirit Seer by Kant 1900

Agnosticism and Religion by Jacob Gould Schurman (1896)

"With Kant and Hume (who provoked Kant into becoming a critical philosopher) we reach the fountain-heads of modern Agnosticism."

Religious Scepticism and Infidelity: Their History, Cause, Cure and Mission by John Alfred Langford 1850

Kant's Cosmogony as in his essay on the retardation of the rotation of the earth and his Natural history and theory of the heavens 1900

Modern cosmogonies by Agnes Clerke 1905

Philosophy and political economy in some of their historical relations by James Bonar 1922

Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx by B Croce 1914

Kant and Spencer - a study of the Fallacies of Agnosticism by Paul Carus 1904

Notes on philosophy since Kant by Alexander Ormond 1895

The Philosophical Radicals and other essays, with chapters reprinted on the philosophy of religion in Kant and Hegel by A Seth Pringle-Pattison 1907

The principle of teleology in the critical philosophy of Kant by David Major 1897

The doctrine of the transcendent use of the principle of causality in Kant, Herbart and Lotze by Frank H Foster 1882

History of the Christian philosophy of religion from the reformation to Kant by Bernhard Punjer 1887

An outline of the history of Christian thought since Kant by Edward C Moore 1912

A sketch of the development of philosophic thought from Thales to Kant by Ludwig Noire 1900

A Syllabus of Logic in which the views of Kant are generally adopted, and the laws of syllogism symbolically expressed by Thomas Solly 1839

Historical Studies in Philosophy by Emile Boutroux 1912

Ten blind leaders of the blind by Arthur M Lewis 1910 (Benjamin Kidd, Henry George, Immanuel Kant, Richard T. Ely, Cesare Lombroso, Max Stirner, Thomas Carlyle, Albert Schaffle, Auguste Comte, Bishop Spalding)

Critical essays on a Few Subjects connected with the history and present condition of speculative philosophy by Francos Bowen 1842 (Locke and the transcendentalists, Kant and his philosophy, Fichte's exposition of Kant, Philosophy applied to theology, The philosophy of Cousin, Paley: the argument for the being of a God, Subject continued: the union of theology and metaphysics, Berkeley and his philosophy, Elements of moral science, Political ethics)

Seekers after soul by John O Knott 1907 (Job: the soul's pathfinder, Plato: intimations of immortality, Kant: a protest against materialism, Hegel: theistic evolution, Persistence of ideas: the spirit in the trend of thought, Robert Browning: the subtle assertor of the soul)

Lectures on Modern Idealism by Josiah Royce 1919 (Kant's conception of the nature and the conditions of knowledge. -- The modification of Kant's conception of the self)

Modern Thinkers and Present Problems, an approach to modern philosophy through its history by E.A. Singer 1923

Selections from the Literature of Theism by Alfred Caldecott 1904

A Criticism of the Critical Philosophy by James McCosh 1884

Religion within the Boundary of Pure Reason by I. Kant 1838

Physical Realism, being an analytical philosophy from the physical objects of science to the physical data of sense 1888

Elements of General Philosophy by George Robertson 1896

Modern theories in philosophy and religion by John Tulloch 1884

Humanism, Philosophical Essays by FCS Schiller 1912

The Philosophy of Law, an exposition of the fundamental principles of jurisprudence as the science of right by I. Kant 1887

Letters of eminent persons, addressed to David Hume 1849

A History of Political Theories, Volume 1 by William Dunning 1920

A History of Political Theories, Volume 2 by William Dunning 1920

A History of Political Theories, Volume 3 by William Dunning 1920

Prophets of Dissent; essays on Maeterlinck, Strindberg, Nietzsche, and Tolstoy by Otto Heller 1918

A Visit to Elizabeth Foerster-Nietzsche, article in Open Court 1920

Will Nietzsche Come into Vogue in America, article in Current Opinion 1910

Nietzsche's Melancholia, article in The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 1920

The Tragedy of a Thinker, article on Macmillan's magazine 1900

The Ideals of Anarchy - F. Nietzsche, article in The Quarterly Review

Nietzsche, by Walter E Peck 1913

The Philosophy of Nietzsche by Johannes Broene, article in The American journal of religious psychology 1911

The Philosophy of Nietzsche; an exposition and an appreciation by Georges Chatterton-Hill 1913

The Quintessence of Nietzsche by John McFarland Kennedy (3 pages have ink stains) 1910

Nietzsche and the Latest Philosophy, article in The Living Age 1913

The life of Friedrich Nietzsche by Daniel Halevy 1962

The Philosophy of Nietzsche by A. Wolf 1915

Nietzsche and Art by Anthony Ludovici 1911

Selected letters of Friedrich Nietzsche 1921

The Morals of an Immoralist, article in Ethics 1909 ("Let there be no mistake about it; what fires us still, unbelievers and all, is the old Christian belief, which was also Plato ’s belief, that God is the truth, that truth is divine. How then if this should seem every day more incredible, if God himself should prove to be our oldest lie?”)

Nietzsche Madness, article in The Bibliotheca sacra 1912

Nietzsche: A note, article in Books and Authors 1922

New Revelations of Nietzsche, article in Current opinion 1906

The Nietzschean Idea and the Christian Ideal, article in The American Catholic quarterly review 1916

Gospels of Anarchy by Vernon Lee 1908

The Will to Beauty, a Continuation of the Philosophies of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche by Abraham Kanovitch 1922

The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche by Frank Thilly 1905

An Introductory Word on Neitzsche, article in The Harvard theological review 1913

H.L. Mencken by Burton Rasco 1920 (Nietzsche was an influence of Mencken)

Human Degeneration, article in The University magazine and free review 1900

Germany and the Bible, plus, Critical Estimates of Nietzsche's Philosophy, article in Bibliotheca sacra 1915

The Persistent Problems of Philosophy, an introduction to metaphysics through the study of modern systems by Mary Whiton Calkins 1917

Contemporary Philosophy in Germany, article in the philosophical review 1907

Nietzsche by Paul Elmer More 1912

The Eagle and the Serpent (periodical with many interesting article devoted to Nietzsche and Egoism) 160 pages. 1893

Nietzsche and Morals, article in The Forum 1910

Professor Seth's Attack on Nietzsche, article in The University magazine and free review 1899

The Truth about Nietzsche, article in The Dail 1912

A Preacher's Interest in Nietzsche, article in The American journal of theology 1915

Nietzsche and Darwinism, article in International quarterly 1900

Ernst Haeckel and F. Nietzsche, article in The Reformed church review 1908

A Critical Estimate of Nietzsche's Philosophy, article in Bibliotheca Sacra

The Philosopher Decadent, article about Nietzsche in The Dail 1897

Nietzsche and Other Exponents of Individualism by Paul Carus 1914

Man's place in the cosmos, and other essays By Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison (has a chapter called The Life and Opinions of Nietzsche)

Nietzsche - His Life and Works by AM Ludovici 1916

A Christian Reply to Nietzsche, article in Current Opinion 1908

On Reading Nietzsche by Emile Faguet 1918 ("But the state lieth in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it saith, it lieth; and whatever it hath, it hath stolen.)

Handbook of ethical theory by George Fullerton 1922 (has a section on "Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche" and Egoism)

The Gospel of Superman by JM Kennedy 1912

The Keynote to the Work of Nietzsche, article in the Mind 1902

Three Modern Seers: James Hinton, Nietzsche, Edward Carpenter by Mrs Havelock Ellis

The Will to Freedom - or the Gospel of Nietzsche and the Gospel of Christ by John Figgis 1917

The Birth of Tragedy, or, Hellenism and Pessimism 1909

On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense (1873)

Affirmations by Havelock Ellis 1915 (writing on Nietzsche, St Francis, Emile Zola etc)

German Philosophy and the War, article in the Biblical Review 1918

What Nietzsche Taught by Williard Wright 1915

Egoists, a book of Supermen by James Huneker 1901

Goethe Rather than Nietzsche, article in Open Court 1916

Article About Nietsche in The Freethinker 1895 ("Nietzsche is, frankly anti-Christian. He says, in effect: Blessed are the arrogant, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the strong, for theirs is the kingdom of man. Be strong, for to be weak is to be miserable.")

Nietzsche the Thinker; a Study by William Salter 1917

Freidrich Nietzsche, article in Mother Earth 1912

Contemporary Criticisms of Friedrich Nietzsche, article in The Journal of Philosophy, psychology and scientific methods 1907

The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche by HL Mencken 1908

The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche by Grace Dolson 1901

Friedrich Nietzsche by William P Montague 1917

Nietzsche and his Influence, article in The Book Lover 1900

Nietzsche: An Appreciation, article in The Twentieth Century 1900

Nietzsche as a Tonic in War Time, article in The Sewanee review 1918

Ibsen, Emerson and Mietzsche - the Individualists, article by Prof. Lewis Worthington Smith 1911

The Bible under Trial in view of present-day assaults on Holy Scripture by James Orr 1907

Some Modern "Isms" (talks of Nietzscheism) by TC Johnson 1919

Friedrich Nietzsche - the Dionysian spirit of the age by AR Orage 1911

Nietzsche and Individualism, article in The Ideal review 1900

Immorality as a Philosophic Principle, and Friedrich Nietzsche's Uebermensch, 2 articles in the Monist 1899

Why Christianity Did not Prevent the War by Isaac Lansing 1918

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche Volume 1 (Thoughts out of Season) 1910

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche Volume 2 (Early Greek Philosophy)

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche Volume 7 (Human, all too Human)

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche Volume 8 (The Case of Wagner)

The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche Volume 9 (Dawn of Day)

The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche Volume 10 (The Joyful Wisdom)

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche Volume 13 (The Genealogy of Morals)

Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche 1911

Assorted Opinions and Maxims by Friedrich Nietzsche 1869

THE ANTICHRIST by Friedrich Nietzsche

We Philologists by Friedrich Nietzsche 1874

The Twilight of the Idols by Friedrich Nietzsche 1896

The Wanderer and His Shadow by Friedrich Nietzsche 1880

Homer and Classical Philology 1869 by Friedrich Nietzsche

Thus spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche 1909

Christian belief in God. A German criticism of German materialistic philosophy by Goerge Wobbermin 1918

The War Against the Worlds View of Christianity, article in the Metaphysical Magazine 1907

Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics (1898) by William Wallace (Nietzsche's criticism of morality)

The Young Nietzsche by Frau Forster Nietzsche 1912

Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman 1917

German philosophy and politics by John Dewey 1915

Egotism in German philosophy by G. Santayana 1916

The Fallacy of the German state philosophy by GW Crile 1918

History of modern philosophy by Richard Falckenberg 1893

A brief history of modern philosophy by H Hoffding 1912

Modern thinkers and present problems by Edgar Singer 1922

A history of European thought in the nineteenth century by JT Merz 1907

The world's legal philosophies by Fritz Berolzheimer 1912

The German classics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries by K Francke 1913

The Progress of the century by Alfred Russell Wallace 1901

The World as Will and Idea, Volume 1 by Arthur Schopenhauer - 1906

The World as Will and Idea, Volume 2 by Arthur Schopenhauer - 1906

The World as Will and Idea, Volume 3 by Arthur Schopenhauer - 1906

Schopenhauer by Thomas Whittaker 1909

Schopenhauer by M Beer 1914

Life of Arthur Schopenhauer by Williamn Wallace 1890

Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer 1893

Arthur Schopenhauer, his life and Philosophy by Helen Zimmern 1876

The Wisdom of Life, being the first part of Arthur Schopenhauer's Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit 1890

Religion: a Dialogue, and other Essays by Arthur Schopenhauer 1915

Studies in Pessimism by Arthur Schopenhauer 1913

The Phenomenology of Mind, Volume 1 by Hegel 1910

The Phenomenology of Mind, Volume 2 by Hegel 1910

Hegel's Philosophy of Right 1896

Hegel's Philosophy of Mind 1894

Hegel and Hegelianism by R. Mackintosh 1904

The Logic of Hegel 1892

Studies in Hegelian cosmology by John McTaggart 1901

Hegels Treatment of the Categories of Quantity 1904

Hegel's Esthetics- A Critical Exposition 1885

Hegel's doctrine of reflection by William T Harris 1881

Karl Marx by Achille Loria 1920

Karl Marx on Value by John W Scott 1920

Karl Marx, an Essay by Harold J Laski 1922

The Philosophy of Marx by Harry Waton 1921

Karl Marx and the (American) Civil War by Hermann Schluter 1921

The Marx he Knew by John Spargo 1909

Karl Marx, the man and his work by Karl Dannenberg 1918

Marxian Economics - a popular introduction to the Three Volumes of Marx's "Capital" 1911 by Ernest Untermann

The Social Interpretation of History; a refutation of the Marxian Economic Interpretation of History by Maurice William 1921

A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx 1901

The Life of Jesus Critically Examined by David Friedrich Strauss 1892 (Strauss scandalized Christian Europe with his portrayal of the "historical Jesus," whose divine nature he denied.)

The Old Faith and the New - a Confession by David Friedrich Strauss 1873

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ with an examination of the Speculations of Strauss by Robert Macpherson

The Theology of Albrecht Ritschl by Albert Swing 1901

Albrecht Ritschl and his School by R Mackintosh 1915

Faith and morals - Faith as Ritschl defined it, by Wilhelm Herrmann 1904

Selected Sermons of Schleiermacher 1890

The Kantian and Lutheran elements in Ritschl's conception of God by G Walcott 1904

Metaphysical Presuppositions of Ritschl 1905 by Wilfred Currier Keirstead

New Aspects of the Theological War in Germany, article in Current Opinion 1908

Fragments from Reimarus - Brief Critical Remarks on the Object of Jesus and his Disciples as seen in the New Testament 1879

Ritschlianism- an essay by John Mozleyn 1909

The Christian doctrine of justification and reconciliation by Albrecht Ritschl 1900

A Critical History of the Christian doctrine of justification and reconciliation by Albrecht Ritschl 1872

Are the Critics right? Historical & Critical Considerations against the Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis by W Moller 1903

The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch Defended against the views and arguments of Voltaire, Paine, Colenso, Reuss, Graf, Keunen and Wellhausen by David Macdill 1896

What is Christianity? by Adolf von Harnack 1902

An Examination of Harnack's 'What is Christianity' by William Sanday 1901

The Apostles' Creed by Adolf von Harnack 1901

Thoughts on the present position of Protestantism by Adolf von Harnack 1899

The Constitution and law of the Church in the First 2 centuries by Adolf von Harnack 1910

Bible reading in the Early Church by Adolf von Harnack 1912

The Date of the Acts and of the Synoptic Gospels by Adolf von Harnack 1911

Luke the physician, the author of the 3rd Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles by Adolf von Harnack 1911

Monasticism - its ideals and history and The confessions of St. Augustine by Adolf von Harnack 1901

The Book of Psalms Critical Edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors, with notes by J. Wellhausen

Sketch of the History of Israel and Judah 1891 by Julius Wellhausen

PROLEGOMENA to the HISTORY OF ISRAEL by Julius Wellhausen 1885 (Wellhausen here advances a definitive formulation of the Documentary hypothesis, arguing that the Torah or Pentateuch had its origins in a redaction of four originally independent texts dating from several centuries after the time of Moses, their traditional author.)

Christology of the Old Testament Volume 1 by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg 1861

Christology of the Old Testament Volume 2 by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg 1861

Christology of the Old Testament Volume 3 by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg 1861

Christology of the Old Testament Volume 4 by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg 1861

The Prophecies of the Prophet Ezekiel elucidated by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg 1869

German Theology, article in The Contemporary Review 1871

An Historical enquiry into the probable causes of the rationalist character lately predominant in the theology of Germany by EB Pusey 1828

German Anti-Supernaturalism - 6 Lectures on Strauss's Life of Jesus 1841

History of German Theology in the 19th Century by F Lichtenberger 1889

The development of theology in Germany since Kant 1890 by Otto Pfleiderer

Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato by Friedrich Schleiermacher 1836

The Theology of Schleiermacher 1911

Brief Outline of the Study of Theology by Friedrich Schleiermacher 1850

Selections from the Literature of Theism (with articles by Schleiermacher and Ritschl) 1904

The Christian faith in Outline by Friedrich Schleiermacher 1922

The Life of Schleiermacher, Volume 1, by F. Rowan 1860

The Life of Schleiermacher, Volume 2, by F. Rowan 1860

Schleiermacher - a Critical and Historical study by W.B. Selbie 1913

A Critical Essay on the Gospel of St. Luke by Friedrich Schleiermacher 1825

Germany; its Universities, Theology and Religion with sketches of Neander, Tholuck, Olshausen, Hengstenberg, Twesten, Nitzsch, Muller, Ullmann, Rothe, Dorner, Lange, Ebrard, Wichern, and other distinguished German divines of the age by P Schaff 1857

Kant, Lotze and Ritschl by L Stahlin 1889

A Reply to Harnack on the Essence of Christianity by Hermann Cremer 1903

Christianity and History by Adolf Harnack 1896

Essays on the Social Gospel by Adolf Harnack 1907

New Testament Studies - the Sayings of Jesus by Adolf Harnack 1908

Professor Harnack and his Oxford Critics by Thomas Saunders 1902

THE HIGHER CRITICISM: REASONS FOR CAUTION IN ACCEPTING ITS CONCLUSIONS. By Rev. W. Frank Scott, article in The Magazine of Christian literature 1893

The Higher Criticism by Mrs. Florence Allen Taylor, article in The Metaphysical Magazine 1906

The Bankruptcy of the Higher Criticism, article in The Literary Digest 1905

The Holy Scriptures and the Higher Criticism, article in The American illustrated Methodist magazine 1901

Alleged Progress in Theology - Higher Criticism, Article in the Methodist Magazine 1891

Whither the Higher Criticism Tends, article in the Original Secession Magazine 1884

Theology in Transition and the Bible in Suspence, article in the Wesleyan-Methodist magazine 1893

My Experience with Higher Criticism, article in the Protestant Magazine 1911

Is the Higher Criticism Scientific? Article in The Review of the Churches Magazine 1892

Present Position of Pentateuch Criticism, article in the Unitarian Review and Religious Magazine 1886

Modern Criticism of the Pentateuch: Objections to it by Matthew Leitch, article in The Treasury - a magazine for Evangelicals 1891

History of Dogma, Volume 1 by Adolf Harnack 1895

History of Dogma, Volume 2 by Adolf Harnack 1895

History of Dogma, Volume 3 by Adolf Harnack 1895

History of Dogma, Volume 4 by Adolf Harnack 1895

History of Dogma, Volume 5 by Adolf Harnack 1895

History of Dogma, Volume 6 by Adolf Harnack 1895

History of Dogma, Volume 7 by Adolf Harnack 1895

Outlines of the history of Dogma by Adolf Harnack 1893

The Expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries by Adolf Harnack 1904 Volume 1

The Expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries by Adolf Harnack 1904 Volume 2

Sources of the Apostolic Canons by Adolf Harnack 1895

Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion by F Hugel 1921

Remarks on Biblical Criticism, article in Bibliotheca Sacra 1849

Protestantism and Progress; a Historical Study of the relation of Protestantism to the modern world by Ernst Troeltsch 1912

Troeltsch vs Ritschl, article in Anglican theological review 1918

The Idea of Dogmatic Theology, article in The Princeton theological review 1908

Studies in Philosophy and Theology by Emil Carl Wilm

History of Rationalism, embracing a survey of the present state of Protestant theology by JF Hurst 1865

Creeds or no creeds? A Critical Examination of the Basis of Modernism 1922 by Charles Harris

Essays on the supernatural origin of Christianity with special reference to the theories of Renan, Strauss, and the Tübingen school by George Fisher 1871

The Tübingen School and its Antecedents by Robert Mackay 1863

On Religion by F. Schleiermacher 1893

Schleiermacher: Personal and Speculative by Robert Munro 1903

The Church History of the First Three Centuries Volume 1 by Ferdinand Christian Baur 1878

The Church History of the First Three Centuries Volume 2 by Ferdinand Christian Baur 1878

Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ, his life and work, his epistles and his doctrine. A contribution to the critical history of primitive Christianity by Ferdinand Christian Baur 1876 Volume 1

Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ, his life and work, his epistles and his doctrine. A contribution to the critical history of primitive Christianity by Ferdinand Christian Baur 1876 Volume 2

The Philosophy of Ernest Renan by H Brauer 1903

Strauss and Renan by Ed Zeller 1866

Renan's Life of Jesus 1897

The Christ of history - Renan 1868

Thought And Religion Or The Mutual Contributions Of Philosophy And Theology by James Lowber 1912

Has Old Testament Criticism Collapsed? article in The Harvard Theological review 1910

The Thinker - a review of world-wide Christian thought 1892

Darwin and Hegel, by David Ritchie 1893

Hegel's Concept of God, article in The Philosophical Review 1896

Lectures on Philosophy and Religion by Hegel, Volume 1 1895

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