This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

Faith Or Fact  by Henry Moorehouse Taber, Robert Green Ingersoll - 1897

Unbelief in the 18th Century as contrasted with its earlier and later history by John Cairns 1881

Unbelief in the 19th century - a critical history 1907 by Henry C Sheldon

The Beliefs of Unbelief - studies in the alternatives to faith by William Henry Fitchett 1911

The Miracles of Unbelief 1901 by Frank Ballard

The Skeptical Era in Modern History by Truman Post 1856

Humanity's Gain from Unbelief by Charles Bradlaugh 1889

The Freethinkers' Pictorial text-book by Watson Heston 1896

The Real Blasphemers by John R Kelso 1883

Skeleton Keys to Sacerdotal Secrets by Richard Brodhead Westbrook 1892

Radical discourses on religious subjects by William Denton 1872

The Essence of Christianity by Ludwig Feuerbach 1855 (this book greatly influences philosophers such as Engels, Marx, David Strauss, Nietzsche, and Max Stirner. He considered God to be a human invention and religious activities to be wish-fulfillment.)

An Atheist at Church by By George Standring 1894*

Religious Delusions by J. V. Coombs (Superstition, Witchcraft, Mohammedism, Adventism, Mormonism, Some Latter-day Delusions etc) 1904

Some of the Philosophical Essays on socialism and science, religion, ethics, critique-of-reason and the world-at-large by Joseph Dietzgen 1906

Cosmos or chaos? Theism or atheism by HD Barrows 1904

Theism or atheism - which is more reasonable? by Lee & Foote 1896

Flowers of freethought by GW Foote 1893

The Prosecution of Foote and Ramsey for blasphemy 1883

Secularism, scepticism, and atheism Debate By George Jacob Holyoake, Charles Bradlaugh 1870

When Were Our Gospels Written? by Charles Bradlaugh 1881

A debate on the Roman Catholic religion by Alexander Campbell 1837

The General Delusion of Christians by John Lacy 1832

Primitive Christianity and its corruptions by Adin Ballou, William Sweetzer Heywood - 1899

Christian science and kindred delusions by Luther Day Harkness

The Humbugs of the World by PY Barnum 1866

The Debate between the church and science by Francis William Upham 1860

The Trial of Theism by George Jacob Holyoake - 1858

The good, the beautiful, the true, poems by Charles Gardner Brown 1909 (poems include: Gods on Toast, Anthropomorphic Gods, Why I Am an Atheist etc)

Religion: a dialogue, and other essays by Arthur Schopenhauer 1915

The relation of John Locke to English deism by Samuel Hefelbower 1918

Atheism in Philosophy by FH Hedge 1884

Mistakes in religion exposed by J Venn 1799

Infidel Death-Beds - Idle Tales of Dying Horrors by G. W. Foote

Interrogatories of Jehovah Upon Various Subject to which Answers are Earnestly Desired by D.M. Bennett 1878
The System of Nature 1889-The System of Nature (Système de la Nature) is a philosophical book by Baron d'Holbach (Paul Henri Thiry, 1723-1789). It was originally published under the name of Jean-Baptiste de Mirabaud, a deceased member of the French Academy of Science. D'Holbach wrote this book (with the assistance of Diderot) anonymously in 1770, describing the universe in terms of philosophical materialism (i.e., the mind is the same thing as the brain, there is no "soul" without a living body, etc.), strict determinism (free will is an illusion, and whatever happens, must), and especially atheism.The book was considered extremely radical in its day; even Voltaire rebuked him for it. Though not a scientist himself, d'Holbach was scientifically literate and he developed his philosophy consistent with the known facts of nature and the scientific knowledge of the day. The book has been nicknamed "The Atheist's Bible". It makes a critical distinction between mythology as a more or less benign way of bringing law ordered thought on society, nature and their powers to the masses and theology. Theology which when it separates from mythology raises the power of nature above nature itself and thus alienates the two (i.e. "nature", all that actually exists, from its power, now personified in a being outside nature) is by contrast a pernicious force in human affairs without parallel.

Was Abraham Lincoln an Infidel? by Carl Theodor Wettstein 1910

400 Years of Freethought by Samuel Putnam 1894

A Grammar of Freethought by Chapman Cohen 1921

An Apology for Atheism 1846

Religion a Curse, Religion a Disease, Religion a Lie by Samuel Putnam 1893

Atheism and Arithmetic by HL Hastings 1889

Atheism and the Value of Life by WH Mallock 1884

Jehovah Unveiled by William Skinner 1819 (often hard to read)

Atheism Considered Theologically and Politically by Lyman Beecher 1853

Atheism in Pagan Antiquity by AB Drachmann 1922

Atheism in Philosophy by FH Hedge 1884

Biography of Charles Bradlaugh 1883

Secularism Conducive to Progress and Secularism and the Study of the Bible, article in The Secular Review and the Secularist 1877

Christianity and Infidelity - a Discussion 1877

Discussion on Atheism between Bradlaugh and Grant 1875

Frauds and Follies of the Early Christian Fathers by Jm Wheeler 1882

George Jacob Holyoake and Modern Atheism by Sophia Collett 1855

Heroines of Freethought by Sara Underwood 1876

Is Secularism the True Gospel for Mankind, and An Antidote to Religious Superstition, articles in The Secular Review and the Secularist 1877

Is Atheism or Theism the more Rational? Debate Symes vs St Clair 1882

Modern Atheism under its Forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism. Development and Natural Laws 1867

Modern Atheism: Its Position and Promise by by EE Jenkins MA 1877

Modern Atheism, or the Heavenly Fathers by Ernest Naville 1865

Modern Substitutes for Christianity by PM Muir

The Reasoner - or Theological Examiner 1851 (many interesting articles)

Superstition in all Ages by Jean Meslier 1910

The Contrast between Atheism Paganism and Christianity 1823

The Ethic of Freethought by Karl Pearson 1901

The History of the Last Trial by Jury for Atheism in England by George Jacob Holyoake 1850

The Logic of Atheism by Rev. Henry Bachelor 1858

The Natural History of Atheism by John Stuart Blackie 1878

The Philosophy of Unbelief by the Rev. Herman Hooker 1844

The Principles of Modern Pantheistic and Atheistic Philosophy by Rev CA Row 1874

The Trial of Theism by George Jacob Holyoake

The True Intellectual System of the Universe by Ralph Cudworth DD Vol. 3 1845

The Library of Reason containing a series of articles from the works of ancient and modern authors in favour of free inquiry 1851


Essay on Superstition- Plutarch.

Liberty and Necessity- David Hume.

Life and Doctrines of Spinoza - Westminster Review.

On the Supposed Necessity of Deceiving the Vulgar- Julian Hibbert.

Natural Theology Exposed -George Ensor.

The Fallen Star or, the History of a False Religion- Sir E. L. Buhoer.

The Condition of Mortality Examined -W. Burdon.

Is Man a Free Agent, or is he subject to a Law of necessity- H. Hetherington.

The Argument, a priori, for the Being and Attributes of God, Paraphrased- O. Southwell.

A Critical Discourse on Prophecy- Dr. Arnold.

An Abridgment of the Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation.

Christian Doctrines and Modern Science- Dr. D, F. Strauss.

Digest of Lamarck's Theory of the Translation of Species- Sir C. Lyell.

Miscellaneous pamphlets

Articles on:

Christian persecution

Thoughts on the proposition of the Pope in Rome, to the Protestant Christians in England, to pray to the Virgin Mary

Did Jesus Christ of the Four Gospels ever live?

The Flagellants and the Covenanters

Zootheism: tales of divine animals

My visit to Mr. Spurgeon's tabernacle

The Crusades: their reality and romance

Vicarious suffering; our sanctions for cruelty [and] A Christian holiday

Agnosticism: an exposition and defense

About the Holy Bible by Robert Ingersoll in mp3 format (read by an admirer of Ingersoll)

Free Thought and Official Propaganda by Bertrand Russell - 1922 - 56 pages

A Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Religion
by Adam Storey Farrar - 1863 - 480 pages

Infidelity: Its Aspects, Causes and Agencies by Thomas Pearson - 1855 - 610 pages

America Vindicated from European Theologico-political and Infidel Aspersions
by Thomas J. Vaiden - 1855 - 309 pages

The Deist, Or, Moral Philosopher by Richard Carlile -  - 1819

Faith and Free Thought: A Second Course of Lectures Delivered
by Christian evidence society, Samuel Wilberforce - 1873 - 468 pages

The Bible of Bibles: Or, Twenty-seven "Divine Revelations:"
by Kersey Graves, Lydia M. Graves - 1879 - 430 pages

The Evidences Against Christianity by John Shertzer Hittell - Free thought - 1857

AGNOSTICISM by Thomas Huxley 1889

Agnosticism : a reply to Professor Huxley (1889) by Henry Wace

A Few Words about the Devil: And Other Biographical Sketches and Essays
by Charles Bradlaugh - 1874 - 245 pages

Six Interviews with Robert G. Ingersoll on Six Sermons
by Robert Green Ingersoll - - 1892 - 420 pages

The Present Religious Crisis by Augustus Blauvelt - 1882 - 196 pages

Essays on the Work Entitled Supernatural Religion by Joseph Barber Lightfoot - 1893 - 320 pages\

The Life and Exploits of Jehovah by Henry Mulford Tichenor - 1915 - 217 pages

View of Lambert's "Notes on Ingersoll"
by Helen M. Lucas - 1909 - 230 pages

Searching for Truth
by George Otis Draper - 1902 - 570 pages

A Review of the Evidences of Christianity by Abner Kneeland, Daniel Albert Wyttenbach 1831 - 204 pages

Commentaries on Hebrew and Christian Mythology by Parish B. Ladd - 1896 - 230 pages

Thomas Paine's Age of Reason

The Burgess-Underwood Debate: Commencing June 29, 1875
by Otis Asa Burgess, Benjamin Franklin Underwood - 1876 - 170 pages

The Creed of Christendom by William Rathbone Greg

The Ethic of Freethought and Other Addresses and Essays by Karl Pearson - 1901 - 420 pages

National Hymns, Original and Selected: For the Use of Those who are "slaves to no sect" by Abner Kneeland - 1836 - 130 pages

Bible of Reason by Benjamin F. Powell- 1831

The Light of Truth in the Mind of Man: The Only Rule of Faith and Practice with some observations of the Formailty and Idolatry of Certain Sects
by W. F. (William Fisher) - 1824 - 100 pages

Christianity Unveiled by Paul Henri Thiry Holbach, Nicolas Antoine Boulanger, W. M. Johnson- 1835

Essays in Rationalism
by Charles Robert Newman, George Jacob Holyoake, J. M. Wheeler- 1891

Lectures of Col. R.G. Ingersoll: Including His Letters on the Chinese God
by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1898 - 867 pages

Views of Religion by Rufus King Noyes - 1906 - 775 pages

Rome Or Reason: A Memoir of Christian and Extra-Christian Experience
by Nathaniel Ramsay Waters - 1888 - 352 pages

The Origin of Supernatural Conceptions and Development of Religions from ...
by John James Greenough - 1906 - 305 pages

The Age of Reason: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology
by Thomas Paine - 1896 - 200 pages

Essays on Freethinking and Plainspeaking
by Leslie Stephen - 1873 - 355 pages

History of Rationalism by John Fletcher Hurst - 1867 - 615 pages

Evolution and Man: Natural Morality ; the Church of the Future and Other Essays by Elwood Smith Moser - 1919 - 189 pages

Contents: Ingersoll ; a Biographical Appreciation
by Herman Eugene Kittredge - 1911

The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1915

The Philosophy of Ingersoll: To Plow is to Pray, to Plant is to Prophesy
by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1906 - 117 pages

Ingersollia: Gems of Thought from the Lectures, Speeches and Conversations by Robert Green Ingersoll, Thomas W. Handford, . - 1899 - 322 pages

Prose-poems and Selections from the Writings and Sayings of Robert G. Ingersoll by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1888 - 317 pages

Abraham Lincoln: A Lecture
by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1895 - 53 pages

Political Speeches of Robert G. Ingersoll
by Robert Green Ingersoll - United States - 1914 - 582 pages

Six Interviews with Robert G. Ingersoll on Six Sermons by the Rev. T. De ...
by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1892 - 429 pages

About the Holy Bible: A Lecture
by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1894 - 73 pages

The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony: Including Public Addresses
by Ida Husted Harper - 1898
"Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, whom she never had seen, was in the audience, and sent a note to the president of the meeting, asking that Miss Anthony should ."

An Intimate View of Robert G. Ingersoll
by Isaac Newton Baker - 1920 - 207 pages

The Religion of Abraham Lincoln: Correspondence Between General Charles H. T Collis and Ingersoll by Charles Henry Tucky Collis, Robert Green Ingersoll - 1900
Is Suicide a Sin?: Robert G. Ingersoll' Famous Letter by Robert Green Ingersoll - 1894

The Skeptic or Discussions of an Unbeliever with a Calvinist, an Arminian and a Universalist by Daniel Prine 1877

Rationalism by JM Robertson 1912

The Genesis of Genesis - A study of the Documentary Sources of the first book of Moses in accordance with the results of Critical Science, illustrating the presence of Bibles within the Bible by Benjamin Bacon 1893

History Of Rationalism  by A. Hurst 1865

Decay of Rationalism by Arthur Holmes 1910

Paganism and Christianity by J.A. Farrar 1891

The New Rationalism - The Development of a Constructive Realism Upon the Basis of Modern Logic by Edward Spaulding

Essays in Rationalism by Charles Robert Newman 1891

Faith and Rationalism by George Fisher 1879

The Meaning of Rationalism and Other Essays by Charles Watts 1905

The Religion of an Educated Man by F. G. Peabody 1903

Religion Rationalized By Hiram Vrooman Volume 2 - 1911

Reason and Belief by Sir Oliver Lodge 1910

Bible of Reason Part 1 by Benjamin Powell 1831

Through Agnostic Spectacles 1919 by Alexander Kadison

The Library of Reason Containing a Series of Articles from the Works of Ancient and Modern Authors in Favour of Free Inquiry 1851 by William Chilton

The Freethinker's Magazine and Review of Theology, Politics, and Literature 1851

God's Failures  by Joseph Smith Fletcher 1897

The contrast between Atheism, paganism and Christianity illustrated by Charles Orpen 1827

Deism or Christianity? Four discourses by N.L. Frothingham 1845

Deism not Consistent with the Religion of Reason and Nature by Capel Barrow 1780

Selected prose works of Shelley [The Necessity of Atheism, A Refutation of Deism, Essay on Christianity] 1915

Publishers Weekly
by Publishers' Board of Trade (U.S.), Book Trade Association of Philadelphia, American Book Trade Union, Am. Book Trade Association, R.R. Bowker Company - 1884
"This is the latest lecture by Robert G. Ingersoll, reviewing the creeds of the
churches and answering them from their own standards. ..."

A Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern
by John Mackinnon Robertson - Free thought - 1915

The Ethic of Freethought: And Other Addresses and Essays
by Karl Pearson - Ethics - 1901 - 431 pages
"First ed. issued l887, dated l888."

The Bible in Europe: An Inquiry Into the Contribution of the Christian ...
by Joseph McCabe - 1907 - 224 pages


Can We Disarm?
by Joseph McCabe, Georges Darien - 1899 - 151 pages
Twelve Years in a Monastery
by Joseph McCabe - 1897 - 290 pages

The Tyranny of Shams
by Joseph McCabe - 1916 - 296 pages
"Printed in Great Britain."

The Moon in Modern Astronomy: Summary of Twenty Years Selenographic Work by Philipp Fauth, Joseph McCabe, John Ellard Gore - 1909 - 160 pages

The Evolution of Man: A Popular Scientific Study
by Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel, Joseph McCabe - 1905

Crises in the History of the Papacy
by Joseph McCabe - 1916 - 459 pages
Messenger 1903

St. Augustine and His Age, by Joseph McCabe

A Candid History of the Jesuits
by Joseph McCabe - 1913 - 451 pages

The Religion of Woman: An Historical Study
by Joseph McCabe - 1905 - 198 pages

Spiritualism: A Popular History from 1847
by Joseph McCabe - 1920 - 243 pages

Church Discipline: An Ethical Study of the Church of Rome
by Joseph McCabe - 1903 - 269 pages

Life and Letters of George Jacob Holyoake
by Joseph McCabe - 1908 Joseph Martin McCabe (1867–1955) was an English writer and speaker on freethought, after having been a priest earlier in his life.


Was Christianity derived from ancient pagan religions? This question is so repugnant to people of faith, but even the early church fathers had to deal with it. From religioustolerance.org:

Various early church writers, such as Irenaeus (Bishop of Lyons; circa 120CE to ?) Justin Martyr (Christian apologist; 100 to 165), Tertullian (Christian theologian; circa 160 to 220 +) concluded that the Pagan/Christian similarities were a Satanic attempt at "diabolical mimicry." Satan was said to have use "plagiarism by anticipation." That is, the Devil made a pre-emptive strike against the gospel stories centuries before Jesus was born. The reason was to confuse the public into thinking that Jesus was merely a copy of previous god-men. The goal was to demolish the credibility of Christianity in the people's eyes.

Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions
by Thomas William Doane 1882 589 pages

The Christ Myth by Elizabeth Edson Gibson Evans - 1900 - 129 pages
Jesus is Osiris, Horus, Krishna, Mithra, Hercules, Adonis, Buddha, intellectualized
by passing through the refining processes of Greek philosophy and ...

The Great Law: A Study of Religious Origins and of the Unity Underlying Them by William Williamson 1899

The Evolution of the Idea of God: An Inquiry Into the Origins of Religion by Grant Allen 1908
'At last we find the myth going off into pure mysticism, Osiris being at ...
of Jesus Christ militates against the human existence of Jesus of Nazareth. ...

Jesus: Myth, Man, Or God: Or, The Popular Theology and the Positive Religion by James Martin Peebles 1870

Christianity and Mythology
by John Mackinnon Robertson - 1900 - 484 pages
If then we reject as we do the pseudo-historical Osiris and Dionysos, why do we
accept as historical Buddha and Jesus ?

The Fathers of Jesus: A Study of the Lineage of the Christian Doctrine by Keningale Cook - 1886

The Mythical Interpretation of the Gospels: Critical Studies by Thomas James Thorburn 1916 - 356 pages
Osiris, again, whose rebirth, celebrated under the form of the young Horus (the
Osiris, ... derives the birth-story of Jesus from the Isis-myth; that is, ...

Isis and Osiris, Or, The Origin of Christianity by John Stuart Stuart Glennie 1878 - 432 pages

The Eternal Christ: Studies in the Life of Vision and Service
by Joseph Fort Newton - 1912 - 199 pages

The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Standpoint
by Walter Marion Chandler - 1908

Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices from the the Spirit Realms Dby Jonathan M. Roberts - 1894 - 600 pages

Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology
by John Mackinnon Robertson, Rationalist Press Association - 1903 - 442 pages

A Short History of Christianity
by John Mackinnon Robertson - 1902 - 429 pages
The resurrection of Jesus is made to take place like that of Mithra, ... he walks
on the water like Poseidon; like Osiris and Phoebus Apollo he wields the ...

A Critical Examination of the Evidences for the Doctrine of the Virgin Birth - Page 161 by Thomas James Thorburn 1908

The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop

Also: Over 450 pages in pdf format DID JESUS LIVE 100 B.C.?


The Christ (in Word Format)
 A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His Existence John E. Remsberg

Forbidden books of the original New Testament

Kersey Graves and The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors

Is It God's Word? By Joseph Wheless

by Marshall J. Gauvin,
"The Fundamentals of Freethought"

Morality Without God by M.M. Mangasarian

Is the morality of Jesus Sound by M.M. Mangasarian

Is Life worth Living without Immortality by M.M. Mangasarian

Plus: Fifty Books on the Cosmological, Teleological, Ontological Arguments for God, plus the Argument from Morality
The Ontological Argument is an a priori attempt to prove that God is a being of which no greater thing exists or can be thought of. Therefore, since we can conceive of God as the greatest of all things that exist, then God must exist.

The Idea of God, an inquiry concerning the practical content of the ontological proof of the existence of God by James Palmer 1904

Meditations of First Philosophy by Rene Descartes (Searchable PDF)
But now, if just because I can draw the idea of something from my thought, it follows that all which I know
clearly and distinctly as pertaining to this object does really belong to it, may I not derive from this an
argument demonstrating the existence of God? It is certain that I no less find the idea of God, that is to say,
the idea of a supremely perfect Being, in me, than that of any figure or number whatever it is; and I do not
know any less clearly and distinctly that an [actual and] eternal existence pertains to this nature than I know
that all that which I am able to demonstrate of some figure or number truly pertains to the nature of this figure
or number, and therefore, although all that I concluded in the preceding Meditations were found to be false,
the existence of God would pass with me as at least as certain as I have ever held the truths of mathematics
(which concern only numbers and figures) to be.

The Devotions of Saint Anselm 1903 (Searchable PDF)
Anselm was one of the first to propose the Ontological Argument

This is one of the earliest recorded objections to Anselm's argument was raised by one of Anselm's contemporaries, Gaunilo of Marmoutiers, who invited his readers to conceive of the greatest, or most perfect, island. As a matter of fact, it is likely that no such island actually exists. However, his argument would then say that we are not thinking of the greatest conceivable island, because the greatest conceivable island would exist, as well as having all those other desirable properties. Note that this is merely a direct application of Anselm's own premise that existence is a perfection. Since we can conceive of this greatest or most perfect conceivable island, it must exist.

The Critique of Pure Reason Volume 1 by Imanuel Kant (Searchable PDF)
The Critique of Pure Reason Volume 2 by Imanuel Kant (Searchable PDF)
Kant put forward a key refutation of the ontological argument in the Critique of Pure Reason.

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume (Searchable PDF)
Another objection to the argument.

Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas Volume 1 (Searchable PDF)
Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas Volume 2 (Searchable PDF)
Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas Volume 3 (Searchable PDF)
Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas Volume 4 (Searchable PDF)
St. Thomas Aquinas criticises the argument in his Summa.

New Essays Concerning Human Understanding 1896 by Leibniz (Searchable PDF)
Leibniz supported the argument in this huge book.

Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion Volume 1 by Hegel 1895
Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion Volume 2 by Hegel 1895
Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion Volume 3 by Hegel 1895
Hegel touches on and seems to support the argument, specifically volumes 2 and 3.

The Persistent Problems of Philosophy by Mary Calkins 1908 (Searchable PDF)

Cosmological argument - The basic premise of all of these is that something caused the Universe to exist, and this First Cause must be God.

Aristotle - Works (searchable PDF)
Organon I Categories
Organon II - On Interpretation
Organon III - Prior Analytics
Organon IV - Posterior Analytics
Organon V Topics
Organon VI - On Sophistical Refutations
On the Heavens
On Generation and Corruption
On the Soul
Parva Naturalis
History of Animals
On the Parts of Animals
On the Motion of Animals
On the Gait of Animals
On the Generation of Animals
Nicomachean Ethics
Athenian Constitution

The Idea of God in the Light of Recent Philosophy by A. Seth Pattison 1917 (Searchable PDF)
(Deals with the Cosmological argument and others)

Christian Evidence Lectures 1880

Plato Against the Atheists (the Uncaused Cause)

Monadology and Other Philosophical Writings 1898 by Leibniz

Hodge's Systematic Theology Volume 1 1873
P. 207 Principle of Sufficient Cause. — Nature of Causation. — Intuitive Conviction of the Necessity of a Cause for every Effect. — The World is an Effect. — Hume's Objection to the Cosmological Argument

Systematic Theology by John Miley 1892 (Searchable PDF) p.76

Thirty Thousand Thoughts (Christian Evidences) 1885 by HDM Spence (Searchable PDF)

A System of Natural Theism by Leander Sylvester Keyser by 1917 (Searchable PDF)

A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume (Searchable PDF)

The Kantian epistemology and theism by Caspar Wistar Hodge 1894 (Searchable PDF)

Basic Ideas in Religion by Richard Micou 1916

The Teleological Argument

A teleological argument, or argument from design, is an argument for the existence of God or a creator based on perceived evidence of order, purpose, design, or direction — or some combination of these — in nature.

On the Nature of the Gods by Cicero (one of the earliest known teleological arguments) 1878 (Searchable PDF)

The City of God by Augustine Volume 1 (Searchable PDF) 1913

The City of God by Augustine Volume 2 (Searchable PDF) 1913

Natural Theology by William Paley 1881 (Searchable PDF)

Selections from the literature of Theism by A. Caldecott 1904 (Searchable PDF)
I. The Ontological Argument: Anselm .
11. Some Points in Scholastic Theology From Thomas Aquinas .
III. The Existence of God : Descartes
IV. God as Infinite Substance : Spinoza
V. Mysticism : The Cambridge Platonists
VI. God as Eternal Mind : Berkeley .
VII. Religion in the Critical Philosophy Kant
VIII. Romanticism : Schleiermacher
IX. God seen in the Beautiful: Cousin
X. Religion as Sociology: Comte
XI. Agnosticism : Mansel
XII. The Personality of God : Lotze .
XIII. Ethical Theism : Martineau .
XIV. The Teleological Argument : Janet

Theism by Robert Flint 1876 (Searchable PDF)

Problems of Philosophy or, Principles of Epistemology and Metaphysics by James Hyslop 1905 (Searchable PDF)
"The Teleological Argument. — Kant, as we know, estimated this more highly than any other argument. With his conception of the problem as discussed in the cosmological and "ontological" methods this judgment was correct enough. But I cannot help thinking that it is less important and cogent than the aetiological and ontological arguments as I have defined them."

Theologia or The doctrine of God by Revere Weidner 1902 (Searchable PDF)

Philosophy and Theology by James Stirling 1890 (Searchable PDF)

A critique of design-arguments by Lewis Hick 1883 (Searchable PDF)

The Challenge of the Universe, a Popular Restatement of the Argument from Design 1918 by Charles Shebbeare 1918 (Searchable PDF)

Argument from Morality
This argument comes in different forms, all aiming to demonstrate God’s existence from some observations about morality in the world.

God, the Soul, and a Future State by Thomas Cooper 1873

The Christian view of God and the World by James Orr 1893

The Moral Argument of Theism in the Harvard Theological Review 1911 (Searchable PDF)

Moral Values and the Idea of God 1919

Christian ethics; or, Moral philosophy on the principles of divine revelation by Ralph Wardlaw - 1834

Systematic Theology by A.H. Strong 1907

Methodist Quarterly Review, 1860 - The Moral Argument for Immortality

Plus you get:

The God of Philosophy by Francis Aveling 1906

Belief in God by Alfred Momerie 1886

The Philosophy of the Bible 1918 by David Neumark

Christianity and Greek Philosophy by B.F. Cocker D.D.

The Philosophy of Atheism by Emma Goldman 1916


  Immanuel Kant                 
  THE CHRIST                   
  The Reduction of Christianity
  Truth About Jesus. Is He a Myth by Mangasarian in mp3 format                  
by Joseph McCabe
   A Discourse on Method by Descartes
   A History Of The British Secular Movement
   A Treatise of Human Nature by Descartes
   About the Holy Bible by Ingersoll
 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
   As A Man Thinketh.pdf
   Atheist manifesto in txt format            
   Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
   Celsus view of Christians and Christianity
   The church in politics in .pdf format
   Crimes of Christianity.pdf            
   Descent of Man - DARWIN.txt        
   Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume
   Divided Faith-Robert Green Ingersoll
   Edgar J_ Goodspeed, Strange New Gospels
   God The Invisible King - HG WELLS
   Hell by Robert G. Ingersoll.txt  
   Heretics And Heresies (1874) Robert Green Ingersoll
   How The Cross Courted the Swastika
   How the bible was invented by Mangasarian.pdf  
   Human Understanding by John Locke.txt 
   The Pagan Cross by Ward.pdf  
   Ingersoll-Atheist vs Christian Debates.txt             
   Is It God's Word By Joseph Wheless  
   Is life worth living by Mangasarian in pdf
   Is the morality of jesus sound by Mangasarian in pdf
   Kant - The Science of right.pdf    
   Kersey Graves and The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors
   Mistakes of Moses by Robert Ingersoll
   Morality without God by Mangasarian in pdf format
   Issac Newton on the Trinity in tif format
   On the Origin of Species
   Origin of Species.txt               
   Philosophy -Emma Goldman
   Rene Descartes - Meditations   
   Rene Descartes - The Principles   
   Rebuttal of SpotlightMinistries Questions to Atheists
   THE ANTICHRIST.txt                    
   The Atheism Of Astronomy.txt          
   THE BIBLE HELL.txt                    
   The Christ - A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His Existence-John E. Remsberg                  
   The Gay Science by Friedrich Nietzsche   
   The Holy Faith Of Romanists by Joseph McCabe.txt        
   The Necessity of Atheism-Shelley         
   The Story Of Religious Controversy   
   The Warfare Of Science With Theology /Andrew White
   The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors    
   Thomas Malthus-An Essay on Population
   Thomas Paine: Examination of the Prophecies   

Plus you get the following Freethought Books in Kindle Format:

Agnosticism By Thomas Henry Huxley 1889

Everything You Know About the Last Days is Wrong by Kenny Woo

About the Holy Bible by Robert Green Ingersoll 1894


Reason: The Only Oracle Of Man - A Compendious System Of Natural Religion by Ethan Allen 1854

The Christ - A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His Existence by John E. Remsberg 1909

The AntiChrist by Friedrich Nietzsche 1920

The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves 1919

The Warfare Of Science With Theology by Andrew Dickson White 1896

The Womans Bible by Elizabeth Cady Stanton 1895

Self-Contradictions of the Bible by William Henry Burr by 1860

THE SYSTEM OF NATURE by Paul Henri Thiery, Baron d'Holbach 1835 (otherwise known as the Atheist Bible)

Crumbling Creeds by Robert Green Ingersoll 1890

Divided Faith by Robert Green Ingersoll 1888

Ghosts by Robert G. Ingersoll 1878

Hell by Robert G. Ingersoll

Heretics And Heresies by Robert Green Ingersoll 1872

Mistakes of Moses by Robert Ingersoll 1879

Religious Intolerance by Robert G. Ingersoll 1879

The Gods by Robert Green Ingersoll 1872

The Ingersoll-Black Debate on the Christian Religion 1881

FIELD - INGERSOLL debate 1887


The Devil by Robert Green Ingersoll 1899

How the Bible was Invented by MM Mangasarian (1859–1943)

Is the Morality of Jesus Sound? by MM Mangasarian

The Truth About Jesus, Is He a Myth? by MM Mangasarian 1909

God and the State by Mikhail Bakunin 1871

PERSECUTION OF SCIENTISTS BY THE CHURCH, article in Everybody's Magazine 1914


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