This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer.  

~ Titles Include ~

75 eight-bar studies in pianoforte technique for the intermediate grades by C. F. Dennee (1913)

A description and history of the pianoforte and of the older keyboard stringed instruments by A. J. Hipkins (1896)

A dictionary of pianists and composers for the pianoforte, with an appendix of manufacturers of the instrument by E. Pauer (1896)

A few thoughts on piano teaching and piano music, deriving from personal experience by C. H. Jarvis (1890)

A history of pianoforte-playing and pianoforte-literature by C. F. Weitzmann (1897)

A history of the pianoforte and pianoforte players by O. Bie (1899)

A noble art - three lectures on the evolution and construction of the piano by F. M. Smith (1892)

A progressive and complete method for the piano-forte by H. Bertini (18--)

Abhandlung über Klavier-Saiten-Instrumente insonderheit der Forte-Pianos und Flügel, deren Ankauf, Beurtheilung, Behandlung, Erhaltung und Stimmung von C. F. Thon (1843)

Catalogue of Mehlin pianofortes - manufactured by Paul. G. Mehlin & Sons, New York, U.S.A. (191-)

Catalogue of Schomacker grand and upright pianos and the Schomacker Angelopian player-piano (1910)

Complete school of technic for the pianoforte by I. Philipp (1908)

Complete theoretical and practical piano forte school Vols. 1 - 3 by C. Czerny (1839)

Creative technique, for artists in general and pianists in particular by G. Woodhouse (1921)

Fifty years' experience of pianoforte teaching and playing by O. Beringer (1907)

First pedal studies for the piano by J. L. Gaynor (1906)

First studies for the piano advancing to a high degree of development by R. Joseffy (1913)

Fundamentals of piano technique by L. Conus (1953)

Gradus ad Parnassum; the art of playing the piano by M. Clementi (c1898)

Hand gymnastics - for the scientific development of the muscles used in playing the pianoforte by R. Prentice (1956)

Histoire du piano et de ses origines, influence de la facture sur le style des compositeurs et des virtuoses par A. Marmontel (1885)

History of the American pianoforte - its technical development, and the trade by D. Spillane (1890)

How has the pianoforte as an instrument developed since 1876 by H. L. Mason (1928)

How to practice the pianoforte - speculations and advice by H. Erlich (1879)

L'Art d'accorder soi-mème son piano  d'après une méthode sure, simple et facile, déduite des principes exacts de l'acoustique et de l'harmonie par C. Montal (1865)

Lessons in sight reading at the piano by J. Mokrejs (1909)

Master school of modern piano playing and virtuosity; a universal method Vols. 1 - 7 by A. Jonas (1922)

Method for the pianoforte by G. Damm (1916)

Modern piano tuning and allied arts - including principles and practice of piano tuning, regulation of piano action, repair of the piano by W. B. White (1917)

Natural laws in piano technic by M. W. Chase (1910)

Note spelling lessons for beginners in music - a systematic method for students to read rapidly by M. S. Morris (1913)

Palmer's piano primer - a systematic and clear explanation of the fundamental principles of piano-forte playing by H. R. Palmer (1885)

Piano and musical matter by G. de la Motte (1869)

Piano mastery - talks with master pianists and teachers, and an account of a von Bülow class, hints on interpretation by H. Brower (1915)

Piano mastery, second series; talks with master pianists and teachers by H. Brower (1917)

Piano playing - a little book of simple suggestions by J. Hofman (1909)

Piano teaching - its principles and problems by C. G. Hamilton (1910)

Pianoforte and chamber music by L. Hall (1915)

Pianoforte music its history by J. C. Fillmore (1884)

Pianoforte music its history, with biographical sketches and critical estimates of its greatest masters by J. C. Fillmore (1896)

Pianoforte pedal studies by A. Whiting (1912)

Pianos and their makers Vol. 1 by A Dolge (1911)

Pianos and their makers Vol. 2 by A Dolge (1911)

Preparatory exercises - five-finger exercises, for the piano by A. Schmitt (1922)

Progressive series of piano lessons - junior course (1921)

Relaxation studies in the muscular discriminations required for touch, agility and expression in pianoforte playing by T. Mathay (1908)

Reminiscences of Morris Steinert compiled by J. Martin (1900)

Richardson's new method for the piano-forte - an improvement upon all other instruction books in progressive arrangement, adaptation and simplicity by N. Richardson (1859)

School of the piano pedal by W. S. B. Mathews (1906)

Selected Czerny studies (c1906)

Self-help in piano study - practical lessons in piano technic and plain talks with piano teachers and students by H. Brower (1920)

Some commentaries on the teaching of pianoforte technique; a supplement to The act of touch and First principles by T. Matthay (1911)

Some practical things in piano playing by A. Foote (1909)

Technical studies; sixty progressive exercises by J. Pisna (c1904)

The act of touch in all its diversity - an analysis and synthesis of pianoforte tone-production by T. Matthay (1916)

The art of finger dexterity; fifty studies for the piano by C. Czerny (c1893)

The art of teaching pianoforte playing; a systematized selection of practical suggestions for young teachers and students by J. A. Johnstone (1912)

The art of the pianist - technic and poetry in piano playing, for teacher and student by H. Brower (1911)

The eclectic piano-forte school - arranged from the works of the best European composers by W. C. Peters (1855)

The elements of piano technique by E. Hutcheson (1907)

The first principles of pianoforte playing by T. Matthay (1905)

The History of Pianoforte Music by H. Westerby (1924)

The history of the pianoforte - with an account of the theory of sound & also of the music and musical instruments of the ancients by E. Brinsmead (1879)

The making of the finest piano in the world by Mason & Hamlin (unknown publication date)

The New England conservatory method for the piano-forte by E. Tourjee (1870)

The pedals of the piano-forte and their relation to piano-forte playing and the teaching of composition and acoustics by H. Schmitt (1893)

The pianoforte and its music by H. E. Krehbiel (1911)

The pianoforte, its origin, progress, and construction by E. F. Rimbault (1860)

The pneumatic player, the regulation and repair of some modern types by H. Drake (1921)

The principles of expression in pianoforte playing by A. F. Christiani (1885)

The school of octave-playing. A supplement to the method of modern pianoforte-playing by T. Kullak (c1898)

The school of velocity, for the piano by C. Czerny (c1893)

The sources of keyboard music in England by C. Van Den Borren (1914)

The synthetic method for the piano-forte - a systematic development of notation, rhythm, touch, technic, melody, harmony, and form by A. R. Parsons (1906)

The virtuoso handling of the pianoforte - 113 special exercises in advanced technic transposed into all keys by A. R. Parsons (1917)

The World's best music; a library of musical masterpieces containing songs and pianoforte compositions Vol. 1 (1921)

The World's best music; a library of musical masterpieces containing songs and pianoforte compositions Vol. 2 (1921)

Twenty-five easy studies for the piano by H. Bertini (1892)

Well-known piano solos, how to play them by C. W. Wilkinson (1915)

Whitney's rapid method for the piano-forte - in advance of all other piano instructors by W. W. Whitney (1903)

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