This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

1. The Herb-Garden; With Sixteen Illustrations in Colour Drawn from Nature by Florence Amherst and Isabelle Forrest - 258 Pages

2. Culinary Herbs; Their Cultivation, Harvesting, Curing and Uses - 168 Pages

3. The Kitchen Gardener's Instructor: Containing a Catalogue of Garden and Herb Seed - 186 Pages

4. Vegetables Herbs and Their Cultivation - 546 Pages

5. The Family Herbal, or, An Account of all Those English Plants, Which and Remarkable for Their Virtues, and of the Drugs Which are Produced by Vegetables of Other Countries - 538 Pages

6. Culpeper's Complete Herbal: Consisting of a Comprehensive Description of nearly all Herbs with Their Medicinal Properties and Directions for Compounding the Medicines Extracted from Them - 450 Pages

7. Meals Medicinal with Herbal Simples (of edible parts) Curative Foods from the Cook in Place of Drugs from the Chemist - 816 Pages

8. Practical Botany by Cavers - 446 Pages

9. Practical Botany by Bergen & Caldwell - 568 Pages

10. Medicinal Herbs and Poisonous Plants - 190 Pages

11. Vegeculture: How to Grow Herbs in Town and Country - 194 Pages

12. Every Man His Own Physician - 180 Pages

13. The Family Kitchen Gardener: Containing Plain and Accurate Descriptions of all the Different Species and Varieties of Culinary Vegetables -

14. The American Gardener Propagation and Cultivation of Herbs - 244 Pages

15. The Working Man's Family Botanic Guide; or Every Man his Own Doctor - 254 Pages

16. The English Physician, with Three Hundred and Sixty-Nine Medicines Made of English Herbs - 440 Pages

17. The Art of Perfumery and the Methods of Obtaining the Odours of Plants - 545 Pages

18. The Book of Vegetables and Garden Herbs - 368 Pages

19. Profitable Herb Growing and Collecting - 204 Pages

20. Folk-Lore and Religious Uses of the Medicinal Herbs - 562 Pages

21. Herb Lore - 196 Pages

22. A Curious Herbal: containing Five Hundred Cuts, of the Most Useful Plants - 654 Pages

23. A Garden of Herbs: Being a Practical Handbook to the Making of an Old English Herb Garden - 252 Pages

24. The Book of Herbs - 268 Pages

25. Pharmacographia; A History of the Principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin - 832 Pages

26. The Old English Herbals - 302 Pages

27. Flora Medica; A Botanical account of all the More Important Plants Used in Medicine, in Different Parts of the World - 680 Pages

28. A Catalogue of the Medicinal Plants, Indigenous and Exotic, Growing in the State of New-York - 68 Pages

29. The Medicinal, Poisonous, and Dietetic properties of the Cryptogamic Plants of the United States - 132 Pages

30. A List of the Medicinal Plants of Ohio - 56 Pages

31. Histology of Medicinal Plants - 330 Pages

32. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines - 306 Pages

33. J.M. Nickell's Botanical Ready Reference: Especially Designed for Druggists and Physicians: Containing all of the Botanical Drugs Known up to the Present Time - 296 Pages

34. Potter's Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations - 386 Pages

35. A Brief Treatise on Various Ailments and Their Treatment by Nature's Remedies - 68 Pages

36. American Medical Botany, Being a Collection of the Native Medicinal Plants of the United States - 684 Pages

37. The Complete Herbalist: or, The People Their Own Physicians by the use of Nature's Remedies - 518 Pages

38. The American Gardener; or A Treatise on the Situation, Soil, Fencing and Laying-Out of Gardens; on the Making and Managing of Hot-Beds and Green-Houses - 244 Pages

39. The Universal Herbal; or Botanical, Medical, and Agricultural Dictionary; Containing an Account of all the Known Plants in the World Volume 1 - 928 Pages

40. The Universal Herbal; or Botanical, Medical, and Agricultural Dictionary; Containing an Account of all the Known Plants in the World Volume 2 - 1062 Pages

41. Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants: A Book of Valuable Information for Growers as Well as Collectors of Medicinal Roots, Barks, Leaves, etc. - 382 Pages

42. Magic Plants: Being a Translation of a Curious Tract Entitled De Vegetalibus Magicis - 58 Pages

43. What is Ginseng? An Account of the History and Cultivation of Ginseng - 74 Pages

44. Ginseng and Goldenseal Growers' Handbook - 212 Pages

45. Ginseng: Its Cultivation, Harvesting, Marketing and Market Value, with a Short Account of its History and Botany - 170 Pages

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Each and every single page of our rare and historical books are carefully scanned and compiled into digital format for your viewing pleasure. This digital format is known as Adobe PDF and most computers already have the software to view these files by default. PDF files are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. You are able to easily read, search, zoom/magify, flip through/jump to any page, and print any part or page(s) within the viewable book.

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