This revitalising, Fitness Pilates workout has been tailored for you to perform in the comfort, security and convenience of your own home. Mat-based Fitness Pilates is a form of well-being (well-feeling!) exercise which promotes the importance of solitude.

A part of a committed routine to your mind and body, which enriches all aspects of your life, mat-based Fitness Pilates is a fantastic foundation of your total well-being, in conjunction with a healthy eating plan, daily cardio exercise and resistance training, you will receive the following benefits:

- Calms and relieves stress - Improved strength, flexibility and mobility - Aids weight loss (due to increased muscle condition and metabolism) - Maintains postural alignment


The Body Transformation Programme has four unique workout components. The programme guides you through a cardio fat burner interval training session to help spike your metabolism to burn calories and kick-start the hormones that make us feel fantastic. Followed by a resistance band workout which includes:

- 10 minutes of upper body--focusing on arms and back - 10 minutes of lower body--focusing on gluteus and thighs

The Body Transformation Programme also includes a 30 minute beach fitness Pilates session ending with some important stretches and relaxation, for total bliss.