Cashel Grazing Muzzle
Horse Size

We love this item to help control the amount your horse eats as well as to help control the sugar intake of horses on pasture....


Overweight horses can enjoy the pasture and get exercise without overeating. Always use caution with the Grazing Muzzle and do not leave it on your horse for long periods of time without consulting your veterinarian. Horses can still drink water freely with the Grazing Muzzle. Adjustable and fits securely over the poll and under the chin.

I encourage you to search the web for article on the dangers of sugar intake and how it affects your horse, specifically how it impacts the hoof and risk of laminitis and founder.  If you do some searching you'll find that your pasture changes drastically in sugar content during the day as it turns the sun's rays into sugars (climbing in sugar throughout the day then using those sugars during the warm evenings).  There is a lot to learn so I encourage you to do some research and get smart to protect your horse during turnout.

After you get smart on the dangers of sugar intake and how the pasture changes with cold, how it changes during the day, and how it changes under stress you'll see that this grazing muzzle can be a great tool to use to protect your horse from intaking those sugars during those dangerous periods... it's a way you can leave your horse out yet still control their diet to reduce sugars by putting this grazing muzzle on during the high risk periods of high sugar production and removing it during the periods of less sugar... a great way if you are serious about growing a better hoof on your horse.  We recommend you search for Pete Ramey, he has some great discussions on growing a sound hoof.  

While this grazing muzzle will not solve your challenges with sugar intake alone, it is something you can use to help you control intake.  You should talk with your veterinarian before changing diet or feed plans to discuss your goals and how a grazing muzzle may help you accomplish those goals. Always use caution with the Grazing Muzzle and do not leave it on your horse for long periods of time without consulting your veterinarian.

Double D’ Horse Training, an authorized dealer of Cashel products is proud to offer products from this outstanding company.


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