These are a great piece to add to your drumming arsenal!

There are 4 in a pack.

These do not dampen the drums like moon gel, drum dots, drum tacos, or gaff tape.

These take out the overtones and let you control your sound rather than kill it!

Drumtacs are releasable, reusable, super tacky sound control pads.  Used as directed, they will not flap, buzz, fly off or harm any percussive surface including: bottom heads, vertical heads, underneath cymbals, inside bells and blocks … even under heavy pounding and in extreme temperatures.

Not just a dampener!  Drumtacs are selective.  A single tac placed about an inch from the rim will remove only the high frequency overtone and leave a deeper focused sound with improved response and increased attack.  As the Tac is moved toward the center of the drum more frequencies are removed and dampening occurs.  Problem Drums with a nasty buzz or ring can often be tamed with drum tacs… try two!!!  One on the batter head and one on the resonant (bottom) head.

A single tac placed on the underside of a cymbal near the dome, will slightly darken and mellow the tone.  Placed on the edge, the Tac will heavily dampen the sound.  In between those two placements are endless sound control options.  Practice with decreased exposure to dangerous high frequencies and without expensive ugly cymbal covers that ruin the cymbal’s balance and feel of strike.