As served in the West Garden of Buckingham Palace at the garden parties held each May. A long time favourite and specially selected for this royal occasion. Intriguing hints of high grown pure Ceylon Earl Grey blend effortlessly with the soft Jasmine from Fujian Province. Couple this with malty Assam (from the Borengajuli Estate), flavoury Dimbula Ceylon (from the Hatton Estate), brisk and golden cup East of Rift Kenya (from Kambaa and Kagwe) and you have one of the most flavourful teas available. Enjoy this tea and be part of the annual tradition in the West Gatdens of Buckingham Palace!

Ingredients: Black tea, green tea, Jasmine and cornflower petals, natural flavours.

Grade: FBOP - Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe

Altitude: 1500 feet to 6500 feet

Region: Kiambu, Fujian, Colombo, Calcutta