The recent explosion of lunchbox style tube amps has been good news for the working guitarist. They’re getting more and more affordable, they’re light, the gigging world has accepted the fact that you can handle a small gig with them, and they sound incredible. The fact you can also use them at bedroom level and still get a good valve tone is cool. Randy Rhoads’ tone was legendary, but his 100 watt amps needed no guitar attenuator – he simply played it loud, all the time. We at would gladly lick our walls if Randy was playing next door to us, even at 4 a.m. on a school night. Your neighbours may very well be philistines though, and these small valve amps save you the bother of an ASBO.

However, some of these tube amps only have one channel. If you want to get both clean and dirty tones, shy of walking over and cranking the Gain control on the amp every time you want to change (seriously?) you’ll need to pull off the classic “volume pot” trick. Basically, you get your clean channel by backing off your volume control on your guitar to take away most of the filth and leave a shimmering, glassy, sweet clean tone. Sounds retro, and it is, but give it a go. Your clean tone will sing.

So you’ve found your sweet spot; your volume pot is at the exact 26.748% position it needs to be to make your clean tone perfect. Then you have to twist it to full for your dirty tone. And then guess where your sweet spot is as you back your volume off – not easy to do, and requires concentration that should be spent on your playing. If only there was another way!


This little beauty is the Leech Volume Attenuator, another of our magnificent, sexy pedals. It’s basically an external volume control for your guitar – switch it on and it automatically gets down to the level you’ve carefully selected. Click it off, and you’re back with the filth. It’s simple, effective, and practically gives your amp another channel! This is the beauty of a guitar attenuator.

Of course, it’s not just lunchbox valve amps the Volume Leech works with. If you’re lucky enough to own a full-size valve amp, you’ll be amazed how well the Volume Leech will work with it, especially on those Plexi re-issues which have been grabbing guitarists by the cojones recently. Even if you’re using a valvestate or even solid state amp, the Volume Leech guitar attenuator pedal can give you an extra tonal versatility that just your clean channel by itself will struggle to match.

Order one now and see how clean your dirty amp can become, safe in the knowledge that your sweet spot is saved forever. It makes more sense than going home after work!