GloFX Colour Therapy Glasses 

Highest chroma and saturation glasses available meaning you have the most vibrant and nourishing colours and see the greatest benefits.

Available in: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Aqua, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Magenta, Rose Pink. 

Savings available:

Save 10% when you buy any two pairs.

We also offer a pack of all 10 colours where you can save a massive £25 vs purchasing individually. 


Features/ Contents


What is colour Therapy?

Chromatherapy, more widely known as Colour Therapy, is the use of Coloured Light in order to positively impact the body and its functions, as well as regulate emotions. The belief that colour plays a big role in healing the body has been around for 1,000 years. Our bodies are thought to “feed” on the colours in the natural spectrum of light, with each colour affecting a specific emotion or part of the body. With only 10-30 minutes of use each day, it is possible to regulate and balance your emotions. 

Which colour is right for you?

Benefits of Red Colour Therapy Glasses

The colour red is associated with Vitality, self-confidence, safety, courage, power, and the First Chakra. Have a job interview, public speech or other task requiring all of your power? Try out these Red Colour Therapy Glasses and feel confident, calm and safe. These Glasses may raise your blood-pressure and increase body temperature, so wear them for only a short time!

Benefits of Orange Colour Therapy Glasses

The colour orange is associated with sociability, happiness, and success, and wearing the Orange Glasses is shown to increase social confidence, joyfulness, expanded interests, and more. The color orange is associated with your Second chakra, which is the source of emotions.

Benefits of Yellow Colour Therapy Glasses

Yellow is a colour that is associated with cheerfulness, mental clarity, inspiration, creativity, interest, and the Third Chakra. Partaking in colour therapy with yellow glasses is reported to ease depression, increase self-esteem, increase confidence, and generate feelings of empowerment. If you’re experiencing writer’s block, or a general block of creativity, then Yellow is the Colour Therapy choice for you.

Benefits of Green Colour Therapy Glasses

Green is a colour that has long been associated with peace, love, harmony, and the Fourth chakra. Utilizing our Green Colour Therapy glasses, it is possible to stimulate rest, relaxation, calmness, and reduce stress. If you’ve had a hard day at work, or a stressful drive, then our Green Colour Therapy Glasses are just what you need.

Benefits of Aqua Colour Therapy Glasses

Aqua (Turquoise) light is associated with soothing feelings, purity, calmness, and the Fifth Chakra. Utilizing our Aqua (Turquoise) colour therapy glasses, it is possible to experience feelings of purity, calm, and soothing. If you’ve had a bad day at work, a stressful drive, or are traveling long-distance, this pair of Colour Therapy Glasses is right for you.

Benefits of Blue Colour Therapy Glasses

The colour blue is associated with Communication, personal expression, decisiveness and the Fifth chakra. The benefits of using Blue Coloured Glasses include clear communication, confidence in speaking, and mental relaxation. Blue is the colour associated with the Fifth Chakra which influences communication, both physical and spiritual. If you have a public speaking event and are nervous, these are the Glasses for you.

Benefits of Indigo Colour Therapy Glasses

The colour indigo has long been associated with feelings of serenity, stillness, understanding, imagination, and the sixth chakra. It is believed that the benefits of using indigo colour therapy glasses include more accurate perception, greater intuition, and heightened awareness. If you are looking to connect more closely with the world around you and raise your awareness, these Indigo Colour Therapy Glasses are the right choice.

Benefits of Violet Colour Therapy Glasses

Violet is a colour that has long been thought to be associated with creativity, beauty, inspiration, and the Seventh chakra. It is believed that the benefits of using this Colour Therapy technique are selflessness, generosity and enhanced artistic ability. If you’re feeling the strain of writers block, or want to feel more giving and nurturing, then the GloFX Violet Colour Therapy Glasses are the right choice for you.

Benefits of Magenta Colour Therapy Glasses

Magenta is a colour that has been long associated with balancing of emotion and the 6th Chakra. The benefits associated with magenta colour therapy include relaxation and balancing emotions. If you find yourself sometimes struggling to emotionally express yourself, then these Glasses are the perfect choice for you.

Benefits of Baker-Miller Pink Colour Therapy Glasses

Baker-Miller Pink is a specially designed tone of pink which is associated with relaxation, stress relief, calming aggression, and computer glare relief. This tone of pink is proven to affect muscle strength, and has an effect on the cardiovascular system. This colour of pink is often used in pediatricians’ and therapists offices for its marked relaxing effect. Some of the supposed benefits of this colour include calming, relaxation, and appetite suppression. If you’re having a hard day at work and feeling like you’re on your last nerve, this pair of Glasses is for you.


WARNING: Wearing Color Therapy Glasses will alter your vision and may impair your ability to see traffic lights or other important visual cues. Do not wear Color Therapy Glasses while driving, operating heavy machinery, or any other hazardous activity. Do not wear for prolonged periods of time. Recommended use is 10-30 minutes per day. This product can be dangerous if used improperly. Use common sense at all times. 


The Rave Cave is the original specialist retailer of visual enhancement products for live music events, we are the exclusive distributor of GloFX products in the UK and the first choice supplier of Dimensional Glasses to Europe. Shop with confidence, read our genuine customer reviews. Choose The Rave Cave for the highest quality products, fast delivery and amazing customer service.