Språk & King Trading Co.


Språk & King Trading Co. offers genuine & quality antiques and clothing brands.  We have an in-house professional team that ‘upcycle’ and refurbishes clothing, particularly leather gear, in a specialised material workshop.


60th anniversary of the First Flight across the English Channel COMMEMORATIVE COVER 25 JUL 69     

Our ID Model number: FDC001

Condition:  Good.  Handled.  There is a previous ‘sticker’ mark on the cover measuring 4 x 2cm, bottom left. 

All feature a 4p stamp, special cancellation to commemorate the event.

Louis Bleriot was born in Cambrai and he was perhaps one of the greatest exponents.

Louis Bleriot, Aviator:  Bleriot, from his earliest adult days, had an instinct for design, invention and engineering. He initially found success in the new and emerging motor industry. He made money by designing and producing a new and efficient form of car headlamp. His passion however, lay in the sky. He went on to develop the ‘Aeroplage’ or seaside beach-based land yacht. Later, Bleriot experimented with model Ornithopters. Then the American Wright brothers came along. They inspired him to get into building and flying his own man carrying aircraft. It would not be long before he made history.

Bleriot developed the monoplane: an aircraft with one set of wings instead of two. This was radical engineering stuff at the beginning of the twentieth century. Bleriot designed a number of similar types. He flew them himself and crashed them himself. He was able to walk away from the slow moving and impact absorbing structures on every occasion. He finally came up with the ‘Bleriot X1’ aircraft type. He fitted it with the Italian Anzani combustion engine that had a reputation for reliability. Engine types of the day could only run for about 20 minutes before they over heated and stopped. The Anzani engine would go on almost for ever and that was a game changer. Louis Bleriot became the first person to fly across the channel from France to England in his Italian powered French aeroplane on July 25, 1909.

This was the first ever air link between England and France and it won Bleriot a British Daily Mail newspaper prize of a £1000. The flight took place from Baraques near Calais, and ended with a bump close to Dover castle in Kent. The flight took 36 minutes and 30 seconds. History had been made.

Bleriot was awake very early in the morning on the day of the flight. The weather report and observation looked good and the wind was just a gentle breeze. All was close to perfect conditions. He performed a short test flight of his aircraft across the French dunes and decided all was on for the attempt. He re-filled the fuel tank, made a few final checks and took off. He headed for the coast of England at 04.30 in the morning.

The French government provided a navel escort. The destroyer ‘Escopette’ set off at the same time and Bleriot’s new wife was on board.

Bleriot pointed his aircraft at what he could see of the English coast. He had no compass and apparently carried no watch. He climbed to about 150 feet and the speed settled at around 45 miles an hour. This was faster than the escorting vessel and he overtook it.

The wind strengthened a bit and mist began to form. Bleriot lost sight of everything and just looked down at the grey water beneath him. He kept the wings level and kept his aircraft as straight as he could. This was the pure pioneering of the greatest magnitude and Bleriot knew it in his very soul.

He was headed for St. Margaret’s Bay on the Kent coast but could not find it. He saw the English headland and turned left.

A successful landing!

The arrival of Bleriot as he approached the English coast was heard by the British Chief Coastguard Officer at his station. He reported a loud, continuous buzzing noise whilst the aircraft was still some miles away. The coastguard station finally observed the aircraft arriving. They reported the speed as ‘almost incredible’ as the aircraft made landfall.

He landed through a gap in the cliffs at Northfall Meadow just by Dover Castle. He had sighted a flag waved by a representative of the supporting Le Matin group. A Mr P C Stanford was the one and only witness to view the landing of the very first flight to England from France. It finished with a mild collision with some trees and the aircraft was damaged but not too badly. Once again, Bleriot scrambled from the wreckage declaring ‘But I have crossed the channel’.

Bleriot was met by a British customs officer who was required to check for any contraband that was being imported illegally. The confused officer declared Bleriot to be just one of those ‘foreign aviator types’ and allowed to him to pass.

Aviation history

Temporarily, the aircraft was covered by a tent in its landing location. A fee of sixpence was charged to the many visitors who wished to view the aircraft at close quarters. The money was forwarded to charity.

Bleriot on his arrival was dressed to protect from the elements in a cork jacket and overalls on loan from a Mr. Hart O. Berg. Berg held the French Chevalier of the Legion of Honour and the clothing was adorned with the ribbon. Prior to the flight, Bleriot wanted to remove the decoloration but Mr. Berg told him to keep it on. If he succeeded in the flight, Mr Berg said, the French Government would surely endow Bleriot with the same in any case. They certainly did. After breakfast the next morning, the French authorities made the award.

The damaged aircraft was acquired by Selfridges in London for a brief period. It was exhibited in their shop window in central London for everyone to see. It was an extraordinarily historic object to view.

Prior to the flight, Bleriot had arranged for the Italian Marconi radio company to provide a communication link across the channel. This was conducted from the French side and provided reliable warning of the aircraft’s approach. This was the first commercial use in the real sense of radio communication. A real double first for the Italians. Success of their Anzani engine and their invention of radio communication.    

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