New The Bellies From Bellyville Bobby Boo

  • INTRODUCING THE BELLIES BABIES: The Bellies are the most unruly, naughty and funny interactive dolls, and they’re ready to adopt now! Each Belly has its own personality, but if there is something they all have in common it is their antics.
  • A DOLL THAT TEACHES THE VALUE OF CARING FOR A BABY: When you remove his or her umbilical cord you will hear your Bellys’ heart begin to beat. Check the Diaper to see what your Belly needs: a hug, some milk, or maybe just water.
  • BELLIES SPEAK in their own language and, if you put Bellies next to each other, they will recognize each other and talk to each other.
  • EACH 8” BELLY includes: Its own cute and funny personality, Beating Heart light, Birth Mark, Blanket, Bottle, Diaper with Surprise, Pacifier, Stickers, Umbilical Cord and a BELLYPEDIA that includes: The Belly Experience, POOPAPEDIA, My Belly Adoption Certificate, and YouTube channel link starring Beth – the coolest Super Nanny. All BELLIES USE 3 AAA BATTERIES: (3) AAA batteries are included with Bellies.