Secretariat Walt Disney movie jockey/actor Thomas Foley here recounts his real life experiences as a race horse jockey. His memoirs are chock full of Irish wit and tell the story of his life's ups and downs in the ranks of the Sport of Kings.

Tom arrived from Ireland at 17, with nothing more in his pocket than a prayer and a dream. As Tom entered the real and sometimes brutal world of horse racing, he learned that romantic notions were not always accurate. He struggled with eating disorders, addiction to sleeping pills and in that process lost his passion for horse racing and his family ties were also lost. The road back was a long one, but today Tom Foley takes the role of Jim Gaffney, Secretariat's jockey in the movie from the Walt Disney studio, with more than a little skill and a lot of pride. Life has once again become simple and Tom is now a successful trainer.

Hardcover. 163pp.

A lovely tale of real life struggles and real life talent, of dreams realized the long way around. Tom Foley writes with honesty and flavor, and you will find yourself turning each page eagerly to learn more of his life. Would love to see more from this author. A testament to determination in life to overcome obstacles and a good insight into the life of a race horse jockey in America.