80 Different Essential  & Fragrance Oils to Choose From

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Essential Oils Are Strong Good Quality 100% Pure

5 ml Glass Roll On bottle

NOTE: If you order 2 roll ons add three to your cart the free one will be deducted at checkout

Roll on pulse points ( wrists, insides elbows on arms, neck, behind ears, behind knees & hip area.

"You will smell wonderful"

Use as a hair perfume by rolling on hands and scrunching through hair.

I do this all the time and get compliments from my granddaughter that my hair smells good!

MY Essential Oils are made to improve Health & Well Being.

In our busy lives we all need the comfort of knowing that there are other ways to improve

our lives without toxic chemicals and harmful ingredients in our beauty products.

Halo's Essential Oils, Body Butters & Lotions, Facial & Hair products are made with quality

ingredients to give you a better quality product that is safe to use and to feel beautiful.

All my essential oils are 100% pure grade essential oils. The carrier oils I use are of excellent quality.


MY Essential Oils are made to improve Health & Well Being.In our busy lives we all need the comfort of knowing that there are other ways to improve our lives without toxic chemicals and harmful ingredients in our beauty products.Halo's Essential Oils, Body Butters & Lotions, Facial & Hair products are made with quality ingredients to give you a better quality product that is safe to use and to feel beautiful.All my essential oils are 100% pure grade essential oils. The carrier oils I use are of excellent quality.

AMBER -Has a warm sweet earthy resinous amber smell. Helps with concentration and also depression. Helps with skin disorders like excema, psoriasis, infected and imflamed skin.

BAMBOO - Earthy fresh green scent. Attracts love , joy, happiness and positive thoughts. Symbolizes strength, grace and mobility.

BAKUL ATTAR - Subtle fragrance with hints of orange blossom, tuberose, gardenia and Indian sandalwood. It's used in sacred rituals while seeking the blessings from Gods and Goddesses. Used for wound healing, headaches and treating heart disease. A valuable aid in dental ailments.

CLOVE - Dark, earthy and bitter sweet - spicy scent. Revitalizing and awakens the senses. Aphrodisiac properties. Helps with headaches.

FRANGIPANI - Heavy sweet Green scent found to be alluring. Exotic and powerful. Know for its powers to fight off stress and strengthen the immune system.. Helps with skin and hair . Know for helping coughs and colds.

GERANIUM - Floral, fruity and slightly minty. Helps with stress, fear and nerves. Mood lifting and energizing. Helps emotional balance and relaxation.

GRAPEFRUIT - Tangy sweet scent. stimulates and refreshes the senses. Euphoria inducing and energizing. Helps with weight loss and skin disorders. has disinfectant and antioxidant properties.

HAWAIIAN PLUMERIA - Sweet floral scent. Helps to relax and balance the mood. Known to relieve fever and cough. Promotes a deep sleep and battles insomnia.

HONEYSUCKLE - Honey sweet and jasmine like honeyed scent. Captures the senses and enlighten the mind with sensual feelings. Known for its health benefits it combats colds and couphs. Helps with imflammations of the skin and arthritis.

JASMINE - Rich, floral and sweet scent. Eases with tension and helps elevate positive thinking. Passionate and calming. Used in skin care for dry skin. Has antidepressant properties and is used for arthritis and joint pain.

LAVENDER - Camphorous aroma with woody undertones - Promotes deep serenity and brightens mood.  Helps repel insects and has powerful skin healing properties. Used for insomnia, depression and anxiety.

LEMON - Stromg, zesty sweet and tart. Invigorates, refreshes and eases tension. A potent cleaner. Health benefits are detoxification to cellulite, reduces fevers and helps foot disorders such as corns and relaxing the feet.

LEMONGRASS - Strong, pungent and citrusy. Relaxes the nerves, calms the mind and refreshes the senses. Repells insects, antibacterial properties, helps with lyme disease, a detoxification properties and helps with aches and pains.

LILAC MIST - Flora and jasmine like with hints of honey pollen. Soothes the mind and puts you in a relaxed state. Treats skin disease, fights against bacteria, relieves stress and helps with sunburn.

LILY OF THE VALLEY - Delicate fragrance with notes of hyacinth and jasmine. Promotes love, tenderness and innocence. Helps with mental fatigue, used for skin disorders dark spots and liver marks, reduces scars, helps with swelling skin and rheumatism.

LOTUS FLOWER - Floral and aquatic with sweet light notes. Symbol of purity of the body, speech and mind. Reving and sensual. Helps with insomnia, is a skin tonic and has aphrodisiac properties.

MAGNOLIA - Floral and fresh with creamy notes of vanilla. Eases tension and relieves stress. Used for depression, obesity, nasal congestion and obesity.

MUSK - Sweet and spicy with hints of leather and wood. Exotic and mind awakening. helps with the common cold, treats wrinkles, rheumatism and antiseptic properties.

NAG CHAMPA - Exotic earthy scent with floral and citrus and vanilla notes. Relaxing and promotes ease of mind. Helps with stress, skin conditions and is a aphrodisiac.

ORANGE BLOSSOM - Soft citrus with sweet floral tones. Wakens your inner being with passion. helps with nervous tension. Relaxing and uplifting. Used in anti aging serums.

ORCHID - A delicate floral scent reminiscent of violets and lotus flowers. The scent is beautiful and captivating. Brings out the inner child. helps with migrains, cramps, is antioxidant and is like botox in bottle, incredible skin tighten effects are seen within 2 weeks of use.

PEACH SLICES - Sweet and light syrupy scent like sun kissed peaches. Fights off evil and demons. Symbol of immortality and vigor. Relieves fatigue.

PEAR - Smells like a pear fresh from the tree. Natural energy booster, weight loss, relieves inflammation.

PEPPERMINT - Bold minty aroma and refreshing. Relaxing and stimulating. Helps with aches and pains, opens sinuses and has anti inflammatory properties. Great for a all over body massage.

ROSE - Romantic floral rose scent. Soothes while it excites. Ignites passion. Helps the skin look youthful. Calms the nerves, is antibacterial.

ROSEMARY - Crisp piney aroma. Elevates the mood and energises and stimulate mental focus. Stimulates hair growth. Relieves respiratory probles and reduces pain.

SPANISH MOSS - Earthy, woodsy green outdoor scent. Awakens the inner most being. Uplifts the spirit. Helps with skin conditions and may help glucose levels.

SPRUCE - Woody sweet evergreen scent. Upifting and eases stress of everday life.Soothe skin and dermatitis. Relieves respiratory infections. Combats fungal infections.

STRAWBERRY - Sweet fruity aeoma like fresh ripened strawberries. Lift the spirit and calms nerves. Skin conditioner, treats irritated skin.

SWEET GRASS - Sweet and green grassy aroma. Brings sacred thoughts and opens up the mind. Treats coughs, sore throat and fevers.

TANGERINE - Fresh sweet and citrusy. Refreshes senses and promotes serenity. Tonic for skin, anti spasmodic, sedative and antiseptic properties.

VIOLET - Delicate and floral with notes of earthiness. Entices the senses. Helps with bacterial infections, sedative and aphrodisiac.

PATCHOULI - Exotic smokey and warm. Find your inner flower child. Eases tension while revitalizing and stabilizing.

WISTERIA - Alluring exotic white floral scent. Exotic, uplifting and passionate. Helps calm nerves and has skin healing properties.

SWEET ORANGE - Medium, tangy and sweet. Uplifts the mood. Promotes positive thinking and optimism. Eases occasional stress and tension. Gently stimulating.

CINNAMON - Sweet, dry and spicy scent. Elevates the mood, calms and comforts. Ignites passion. Promotes emotional warmth and eases stress and fatigue. Has anti-bacterial properties. Aphrodisiac, helps with athletes foot/ringworm. Insect repellant.

HYACINTH - Has soothing and calming effects on the mind and body. IFabulous floral scent smells just like fresh hyacinth's. Hyacinth is known to bring about an increased sense of self-esteem and an improved creativity. It also has a calming effect on the mind and body, making it effective when used in the fight against addictions, burnout, fatiguedepression, stress, and apathy. Some aromatherapists may use Hyacinth Essential Oil/Absolute Oil to treat difficulties related to grief or loss, as well as anxiety, fear, or loneliness.

SANDALWOOD - Warm & spicy scent. Promotes calmness, meditaion and spirituality. Health uses are anti- inflammatory. Sandalwood has memory boosting properties. Its used as a aantiseptic and help to keep wounds and ulcer from getting infected. Its a deodorant and a emollient for the skin.

FRESH LINEN - absolutely awesome fragrance, smells like fresh linen after hanging outside


FDA Disclaimer:

These are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Like

all other natural remedies, essential oils can help some and not others.

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