These chip bead bracelets are elasticated and fit most wrists. We make these bracelets ourselves.

The classical tale is that when Adonis was attacked by Ares, the god of war Aphrodite rushed to save him. Both were injured and their mingled blood stained the white quartz pink. Because of this Rose Quartz has become a symbol of reconciliation in love.  Rose Quartz opens the heart to love and can also be beneficial to the heart on a physical level too. Rose Quartz is an excellent stone for calming in stressful times. It is believed to ease pain caused by cuts and bruises, as well as emotional pain fears, grief and anger. Rose quartz also helps to control nightmares. 

Howlite is a calming stone which can help aid insomnia, especially if it is caused by an overactive mind. It can also link into the spiritual dimensions and assist with journeys out of the body and into past lives. Howlite can teach patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. It can also balance the calcium levels in the body as well as aiding teeth and bones.

SIZE - Please note we make these bracelets to a standard 8" - if you require your bracelets to be a different size then please advise us on purchase.