Part number: 33YDH*
Battery type:   Li-ion
Voltage:          15.2V
Capacity:        56Wh
Condition:       Brand New
Replaces part numbers:
33YDH          7FHHV         81PF3          99NF2
J9NH2           PVHT1         W7NKD
Fits laptop models:
G3 15 3579G3 17 3779
G5 15 5587G7 15 7588
Inspiron 15 Gaming 7577
Inspiron 7569 2in1Inspiron 7570Inspiron 7573 2in1
Inspiron 7579 2in1Inspiron 7580 Inspiron 7773 2in1
Inspiron 7778 2in1Inspiron 7779 2in1Inspiron 7786 2in1
Latitude 3380Latitude 3300
Latitude 3480Latitude 3488Latitude 3490
Latitude 3580Latitude 3588Latitude 3590
Latitude 3400Latitude 3500
Vostro 15 7570Vostro 15 7580 
* Some listed laptops may have 4WN0Y 56Wh battery installed, which has a different 
  socket position. Please check the original battery's model number before ordering.