FemiSan A - 100% Natural - No GMO - Gluten Free - HACCP certified - 60 capsules

FemiSan A plus Maca capsules preserve the health and function of the reproductive organs of women from the first menstruation to menopause.


Femisan A capsules with golden maca root are based on completely natural ingredients. This professionally designed formula is intended to preserve the health and function of the reproductive organs of women from the first menstruation to menopause. They are used as a dietary supplement with the extract of lady’s mantle, yarrow, marigold, herb robert, shepherd’s purse, golden maca root and zinc.

A woman’s reproductive life begins with the first menstruation and ends with menopause. During that period, every month there is a well-harmonised hormonal which ensures that ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle, which is the most important condition for pregnancy. A follicle-stimulating hormone is responsible for the quality of the egg, oestrogen for the preparation of the endometrium – the inner lining of the uterus that should accept it, and when fertilisation does not occur progesterone enters the scene, initiating the separation of the endometrium and its expulsion, by which menstruation begins. And so it goes round and round. On average, a woman has about 450 menstrual periods in her life-time, which means that she spends about 3,500 days or 10 years in menstruation. 
If menstruation causes problems such as excessive pain, excessive bleeding, if hormones are in imbalance, which makes a woman feel not only lethargic, tired and ill, but if it also causes her problems with the skin, digestion, obesity, and especially if she has serious disorders and does not manage to become a mother, then that period of 10 years sounds like punishment. On the other hand, if hormones work like clockwork, if a woman is full of energy and aware that motherhood is only a matter of her choice and not a possibility, then she does not even notice that she is going through menstruation over those 10 years because the cycle is on her side. Unfortunately, hormonal imbalances increasingly affect women at all stages of life.

Every woman is certain to encounter one of the following problems or disorders at least once in her life:
irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)
painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) 
heavy and prolonged menstruation (menorrhagia, hypermenorrhea)
PMS – premenstrual syndrome
PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome
ovarian cysts
uterine fibroids
erythroplakia of the cervix 
inflammations of the urogenital tract  
female infertility (sterility) 
fibrocystic changes in the breast
acne, excessive hairiness and obesity due to disorders of reproductive hormones

How to use / recommended use: 

Drink 2 capsules once or twice daily before meals.


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