Covers husbandry, breeding, pigmentation, mutations, genetics, and health and diseases. Each species is discussed in its own chapter with numerous colour images of mutations, the best collection in a book worldwide.


In Captivity
    Housing - Conventional; Suspended; Breeding Cages; Perches; Maintenance; Nestboxes
    Feeding - Seeds; Complete Foods; Egg Mix; Greenfoods; Vegetables; Fruits; Sprouts; Supplements
    Breeding - Acquiring Birds; Quarantine; Gender; Preparation; Laying; Banding; Records; Handrearing; Feeding; Transportation
Health and Disease
    Common Problems - Medications
    Part One - Droppings; Appetite; Posture; Feathers; Skin; Wings; Head; Examination; Paediatrics
    Part Two - Infectious Diseases; Non-infectious Diseases
Plumage, Pigments, Colours and Colour Mutations
    Displaying Colours - Plumage; Pigments; Colour
    Colour Mutations
    Primary Mutations - Sex-linked Recessive; Autosomal Recessive; Autosomal Dominant; Autosomal Co-dominant; Combination

Bourke's Parrot - Primary and Combination Mutations
Turquoisine Parrot - Primary and Combination Mutations; Variations
Scarlet-chested Parrot - Primary and Combination Mutation; Variations
Elegant Parrot - Primary and Combination Mutations
Blue-winged Parrot - Primary Mutations
Rock Parrot - Primary Mutations
Orange-bellied Parrot - Primary Mutations