Shaw 1745 New Practice of Physic medicine 2 vols
Peter Shaw,
A New Practice of Physic: wherein the various diseases incident to the human body are describ'd, their causes assign'd, their diagnostics and prognostics enumerated, and the regimen proper in each deliver'd; with a competent number of medicines for every stage and symptom thereof. Prescrib’d after the manner of the most eminent physicians among the moderns, and particularly those of London. The whole formed on the model of Dr. Sydenham, to execute the design of his Processus Integri.
Vol I. The seventh edition, corrected.
London: T. and T. Longman, 1753
[xi] + 415 pp
Old leather binding (21x13cm, covers worn, back newly restored), little tear in title page, ex-lib label
Vol II. The sixth edition, corrected.
London: Thomas Longman & Thomas Shewell, 1745
p 413-716 (+ 22 pp Index)
Old leather binding (20x13cm, worn, rubbed), foxing); stamp (T. Griffin) on title page, missing end papers, notes inside of covers

Peter Shaw (1694-1763) was a practicing Scarborough physician and fellow of the Royal Society. He translated and edited works by Boyle, Bacon, Boerhaave and Stahl, as well as authoring a number of his own, including the popular 1726 publication, A new practice of physic. In 1752 he was appointed extraordinary physician to George II.