When added to a soap bar or a body scrub, finely ground coffee beans can rid the skin of dry, dead skin cells and restore it to a more radiant and smooth appearance. Coffee, by stimulating blood flow, improves circulation and consequently the appearance of the skin!

Formulated to produce a mild and luxuriously creamy lather that won't over-strip your skin of it's natural and beneficial oils.

This soap has wonderful moisturizing properties, and although it may seem to pretty to use, please do! ... I'll keep making more.

Ingredients :Coconut Oil, 100 % Extra Virgen Olive Oil, Castor Oil , ground coffee ,F O

Each order is one (1) bar of soap

Bars weigh aproximadamente 4. oz PACK 3 bars

Due to this soap being so unique and made in a single loaf,stock is limited to the quantily shown.


Place your soap in a dish that drains (not flat on the tile or in a non-draining dish!) and ensure that it doesn't get wet between uses. This is optional, but it will definitely make your soap last longer.