A firm Italian favourite, Violetta di Firenze (Violet Florentine) has stunning large lavender fruits, striped with creamy white which are a favourite with many chefs. Picked early, the skin is thin enough to leave unpeeled. The flavour is at its best when given plenty of sun and heat.

Sowing: Sow January to April for growing under glass or March to April for planting outdoors

Whilst Aubergine is a Tender Perennial, it is cultivated as an Annual.

Starting Indoors:

Seeds are typically started eight to ten weeks prior to the anticipated frost-free date.

Soaking the seeds overnight may help germination.

Sow 6mm (¼in) deep into 9cm pots containing a moist seed compost and “just cover” with a sprinkling of compost or vermiculite (do not exclude light as this helps germination)

Place in a propagator or warm place, and keep at a constant temperature of 20 to 25°C (68-77°F). Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged; germination will take between 8 to 21 days Transplant seedlings carefully while quite small into 15cm (5in) pots and grow on at 18-21°C (65-70°F).

For Outdoor Crops:

Acclimatise plants to outdoor conditions for 10 to 15 days. Plant out into sheltered site when all risk of frost has passed and the soil is warm. Plant 45cm (18in) apart in rows 90 to 120cm (3 to 4ft) apart. Aubergines grow well outside, but need gradual acclimatising to the more varied conditions.

A brilliant tip for this: enclose a block of plants, spaced about 60cm (2ft) apart in each direction, within a box of straw bales. These provide a brilliantly cheap but effective windbreak. If a cold night is forecast, simply drape fleece over the bales and anchor it with bricks.

For Greenhouse Crops:

Grow as above, but transplant into in 20cm (8in) pots or growing bags.


Stake as you would for tomatoes. Provide plenty of water, especially in dry weather.

Black plastic mulch is helps to warm the soil, prevent weeds and conserve moisture.

Feed every 14 days with high potash (tomato) fertiliser once the first fruits have set. Cease feeding when fruits are fully formed. Mist the foliage regularly with tepid water to discourage red spider mite and to help flower set.

The flowers are relatively unattractive to bees and the first blossoms often do not set fruit. Hand pollination will improve the set of the first blossoms. Tap flowers daily to assist pollination. Remove the main tip/growing point when plants are 30cm (12in) high.

Harvest: 80 days to harvest

First harvests can be made from the early sowings from July onwards. Harvest at their desired size, but while fruits are still shiny and young. Fruits are typically cut from the vine just above the calyx owing to the semi-woody stems.

Pick regularly or plants will need further support to support the weight of the fruit.

Fresh seeds are packed in ziplock bags! 

Packaging & Delivery: After payment has been received, the item will be shipped within 2 working days. Usually it takes 1-3 weeks for delivery, depends on the location. Some location may take longer. If you have any problems please contact us directly and we will be delighted to help. Your success is our success.