Iowa City: The Finial Press, Date: 1960. 

First edition.  Hand set type.  

First book from master book designer and small press printer A Doyle Moore's Finial Press. 

Copy #2 of 50 numbered copies in Arrighi type on Asahi paper 
signed by the author (the entire edition) who designed the book
as part of her MFA degree from the University of Iowa. 

Moore's illustrations are from type, printers' ornaments, dingbats, and old commercial cuts. 

Fine copy.  Extemely rare.  FINE condition.

This is Moore's personal copy, from his estate.  
Net proceeds from its sale will support traveling grants for 
design students at the University of Illinois, where Moore 
was a longtime professor of design.

Narrow 4to, illustrations, original Japanese paper over boards, 
printed paper label on front cover, by Elizabeth Kner.