Tuscany Cotton Wool Blend Quilt Wadding by Hobbs

  • 80% Cotton and 20% Wool
  • Will resist bunching and fiber migration
  • Recommended for medium or dark colored fabrics
  • Quilt as closely as you would like or up to 4" apart
  • Prewashing is not recommended. May experience shrinkage of up to 3-5%.
Full Size: 81" x 96"

Hobbs Tuscany Cotton Wool Batting is a wonderful blend of 80% fine cotton and 20% super washed wool. It is designed for hand quilting, as well as for machine and long-arm projects, and resists bunching and fiber migration.

The addition of the wool adds a wonderful loft, which gives greater detail to the stitching pattern, and the wool also lends a nice drape and softness without the stability of the batting being compromised. Hobbs Tuscany Cotton Wool Batting is perfect for bed quilts.

Hobbs Tuscany Cotton Wool Wadding is specifically designed to be used with medium or dark-coloured fabrics. If used with white or very light fabrics, the wool and unbleached cotton can slightly darken the light colours.

Quilts with this blend of fibers can be washed many times and will get softer over time. Gentle machine washing (in cool water and on a delicate cycle, with no heavy agitation or spinning) and air drying are suggested. 

Quilting/stitching should be every 4″ inches, or closer, and quilters may experience shrinkage of 3-5%.

We recommend quilters spend time learning about this product before using it on a project – making samples using this batting to see how it needles, both by hand and by machine, and how it launders provides an opportunity to see if this batting can deliver the desired results.

* For optimal results always test with your fabric