These chip bead bracelets are elasticated and fit most wrists. We make these bracelets ourselves.

Howlite is a calming stone which can help aid insomnia, especially if it is caused by an overactive mind. It can also link into the spiritual dimensions and assist with journeys out of the body and into past lives. Howlite can teach patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. It can also balance the calcium levels in the body as well as aiding teeth and bones.  

Malachite is an extremely powerful stone which amplifies positive energies. It is a stone of protection and many people believe it is still evolving and will become one of the most important healing stones of the new millennium. Malachite helps guard against radiation and electromagnetic pollution. It is a stone of transformation. Malachite is useful for fighting stomach cramps and helps facilitate childbirth. The stone lowers blood pressure, treats asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, growths and travel sickness.  

SIZE - Please note we make these bracelets to a standard 8" - if you require your bracelets to be a different size then please advise us on purchase.