The Greentown Glass Company: History of the Indiana Tumbler & Goblet Company/Works. By Bing Hilton. Published 2002. New old stock, marked down from its original $29.95 price. 149 pages. 434 illustrations, most in color. History of the famous Greentown Glass made by the Indiana Tumbler & Goblet Company/Works. This books displays many of the patterns and pieces made by this factory in the various colors they were noted for, including chocolate, golden agate, canary, red agate, and Nile green. It includes a detailed history of the company from 1894 to 1903 with many vintage photographs.

About the West Virginia Museum of American Glass, Ltd. (WVMAG)

The West Virginia Museum of American Glass, Ltd. is a non-profit museum with a mission to share the diverse and rich heritage of glass as a product and historical object as well as telling of the lives of glass workers, their families and communities, and of the tools and machines they used in glass houses.

WVMAG, Ltd. is located in Weston, West Virginia. The Museum includes representative samples of all glass products...from bottles to lightening rod balls,  from telegraph insulators to glass used in automobiles, from pressed to blown tableware.  We preserve the history of the places and people who made these products. 

Our Museum examines the rich history of some of America's most famous glass factories,  while at the same time carefully understanding the impact that the hundreds of smaller and often time forgotten glass houses made on the history of the glass industry.

The WVMAG displays many of the diverse and beautiful objects produced by factories during the past century.  The museum attempts to compare and contrast similar pieces produced by once competing companies.  No other public collection offers such contrasts on a large scale.