Skinner's Field & Trial Salmon & Steamed Veg - Adult Wet Dog Food, Omega 3, 390g (Pack of 18)

  • GRAIN FREE WITH REAL MEAT - Salmon and steamed veg provides your dog with nutrition for light work and supports a healthy coat and skin with a boost of omega 3. All of our wet foods are formulated without grain - making them an ideal choice for dogs with intolerances.
  • HERITAGE BRAND - Skinner’s have been making working dog food for 50 years. Over the last five decades, we have established incredible loyalty, built on our deep-rooted family values, heritage & trust.
  • NUTRITIONALLY COMPLETE - Our wet dog food is nutritionally balanced and complete, meaning it can be fed alone or used as a 'topper' for kibble.
  • NATURAL INGREDIENTS - Skinner’s does not add any artificial colouring, flavours or preservatives to any of our products, where possible we try and use British ingredients.
  • ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING - Our eco-friendly, compact cartons contain 390g of wet food – the same amount as a standard size can, tray or pouch but take up less room in the cupboard! They are made from 70% FSC paperboard helping us to reduce our plastic waste and our carbon footprint. Plus, they keep our foods fresher for longer.