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Melao brings you Quality Ingredients at prices you can enjoy in the comfort of your home with Melao 20% Vitamin C Serum.

20% Vitamin C Serum 30ml
with Hyaluronic Acid
For Men and Woman

What is Vitamin C:

  • Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant drug that can be used topically in dermatology to treat and prevent changes associated with photo-ageing. It can also be used for the treatment of hyper-pigmentation. 
  • Vitamin C, the most plentiful antioxidant in human skin, forms a part of the complex group of enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants that co-exist to protect the skin from reactive oxygen species. As Vitamin C is water soluble, it functions in the aqueous compartments of the cell. When the skin is exposed to UV light, Reactive Oxygen species such as the superoxide ion, peroxide and singlet oxygen are generated. Vitamin C protects the skin from oxidative stress by sequentially donating electrons to neutralize the free radicals.
  • Essentially This means it protects your skin against free radicals — molecules in the environment that cause damage, leading to signs of ageing like wrinkles and dark spots. In other words, this vitamin is an anti-aging powerhouse.

How to get rid of hyper-pigmentation:

Although hyper-pigmentation is harmless, some people wish to get rid of it. There are a range of possible treatment methods and home remedies that people can try to prevent hype-pigmentation, or to stop it becoming more prominent:

  • Avoid exposure to the sun. 
  • Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect the skin and stop hyper-pigmentation from becoming darker.
  • Avoid picking at the skin. 
  • To prevent hyper-pigmentation from forming after an injury, avoid picking at spots, scabs, and acne.


Postage and Handling within 24 hours from placing your order. Shipped From our Melbourne warehouse. 


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Free Shipping anywhere in Australia via Australia post with tracking. 2-5 days shipping from our Melbourne warehouse. 



Please contact us for queries and concerns. Australian verified and reputable retailer. Contact us for a tailor skin care package to suit your needs.