Handmade wooden Rosary

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Made using simple, honest methods. Wood, rope and metal. Nothing more.

Crafted in the scenic landscapes of Scotland, this rosary is a testament to the art of devotion and a nod to the traditions of carpentry. The dark maple wood beads, each smooth and beautifully grained, provide a tactile connection to faith and a tangible link to the earthly craftsmanship so often associated with Jesus, who hailed from a carpenter's family.

The centrepiece, a Miraculous Medal, brings a sense of divine grace to this rosary, symbolising the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This medal, inscribed with the initials "INRI," serves as a reminder of Jesus's crucifixion and the inscription placed on his cross, "Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum" (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews). It ties the rosary to the profound sacrifice of Christ.

The cross, a Benedictine Cross, represents a life of prayer, work, and devotion. It symbolises the value of craftsmanship and dedication, mirroring the path of St. Benedict.

In the midst of prayer, this rosary becomes a symbol of faith, devotion, and the artistry of life. It connects the earthly and the divine, just as Jesus's life as a carpenter's son once did, offering a serene and tactile connection to faith and tradition.