Paul McCartney | Philip Norman | englisch

The Biography

Autor: Philip Norman
Format: kartoniert
Seitenanzahl: 855
Verlag: Orion Publishing Group
Erscheinungsdatum: 20170504
Sprache: englisch
Genre: Importe
Höhe in mm: 53
Länge in mm: 198
Breite in mm: 128
Gewicht in g: 687

An illuminating history of this much-loved and legendary musician, Norman gained approved access to his closest friends and family, allowing him to present a detailed and fascinating account of life both during and after Beatle mania, including that of his private life, subsequent marriages and successful solo career.

Philip Norman is an English novelist, biographer, journalist and playwright. At the end of the 1960s, as a correspondent for The Sunday Times, he was assigned to investigate and report on the breakup of Beatles' own business, Apple Corps. Norman is the author of SHOUT! and biographies of John Lennon, Buddy Holly, The Rolling Stones, Elton John, Paul McCartney and Eric Clapton.