About These Bundles

Every bundle comes with three boosters, from multiple weights across the range that came in each booster box.  While there are no guarantees, the heavier packs should give a better chance of pulling the collectible cards you're looking for.  Even the lightest pack, however, should give you a good chance at a rare holo V card.  To understand why, please continue reading below...

About Us

I am a father of children who are Pokemon fanatics.  As the one who supporting the hobbyists, I'm dipping my toe into selling new, factory-sealed boosters in hopes of defraying their costs.  I hope to do this by assisting collectors in improving their pull rates of collectible cards by analyzing card distribution according to booster pack weights. This is not a new idea, but what I sell will be based on what I've personally found through data collection, not from anecdotal information from the Internet.  As such, I hope this provides some value to you, the collector.

Statistical sampling of boosters across the weight range can provide some useful indicators of where the more desirable cards can be found, but because we're opening a minority of boosters, it can be difficult to establish hard upper and lower bounds.  You may want to consider applying a +/-0.05g variation to the actual values I've found here.

Evolving Skies Series Sampling Results

It's important to say that because of variations across manufacturing runs of different series, the size of the collections, and more, that these results are not likely pertinent to other series.  That said, after sampling three booster boxes, this is what we've found.

The Pokemon Company has tried to make weighing cards a little less effective through the use of two differently weighted online code cards (one with a predominately green art on the non-code side, and one that is predominantly white).  The more collectible cards typically employ the use of more foil materials, making them heavier on average.  Those cards are, as far as we've been able to tell, always bundled with the lighter, white code cards.  Those cards, however, can be found across the entire booster pack range.  When they show up in the lighter packs, though, they usually come with two holo cards.  Most frequently, it's a rare holo card in addition to the standard reverse holo.  Less frequently, that rare holo could be a holo V.

Takeaway #1:  every booster pack could have a collectible rare holo card, potentially a holo V Pokemon, regardless of weight.

Takeaway #2:  there is roughly a one-in-three chance than any given booster pack has a white, online code card, regardless of weight.  White cards are strongly correlated with rare, collectible cards.

Personally, we've pulled rare holo V cards in booster packs as light as 22.25g, which is very close to the lightest packs we've seen so far.  Rare holo Vmax cards, however, tend to be a little heavier than the Vs, and the lightest pack we've pulled one of those is 22.34g.

Takeaway #3:  if you're looking for Vmax cards, you most likely want to target packs that are 22.30g or higher.

Now we come to the more highly collectible section of the series:  rare ultra holos and secret cards, which include the rainbow and gold rares.  The upper and lower bounds of these are harder to pin down simply because of their rarity.  In the sampling we've done, we've only pulled seven of these, altogether.  That said, we never found one in a pack weight less than 22.41g.

Takeaway #4:  if you're looking for ultra rare or secret cards, you want to target packs that are 22.40g or higher.

There is one final trend that we've noticed on a per-booster box basis:  the top two heaviest packs in each box seem to have an abnormally high ratio of good pulls with white code cards.  Out of six boosters from three boxes, only once have we pulled a green code card booster.  We've pulled one gold secret holo, a secret rare ultra Vmax, both V and Vmax rare holos, and one holo rare card.  Only once did we get the normal plain rare/common reverse holo minimum.  I don't know if that trend will continue, but I like the odds there.

Takeaway #5:  the top two heaviest boosters in a box tend to be even luckier on average.


I hope this proves to be valuable in your search to complete your collection.  Weighing packs is not a guarantee, but it does seem to tilt the odds a bit more in your favor.