Product Description: You will be buying a Photograph produced using professional photographic lab equipment and printed on high quality photographic paper. Please note that sometimes a small amount of image cropping is neccessary to produce your photograph. Some photographs may have areas of white space along the edges / border. Produced on a Print & Supply basis from an image previously made available on Geograph by the Copyright holder

Condition: New

Size: 12" x 8" - 305mm x 203mm

Copyright (Photograph and text in Photograph Notes): � Copyright John Baker and licensed for reuse under details available here:

Photograph Notes: The grass covered track used to be a railway line, which the Royal Engineers built from 'Weatherlees Junction' on the SECR. The line ran along the north side of the derelict power station (now known as [[5211188]]) (pace recent publications, this line was not the same as the power station spur), crossed the Thanet to Sandwich road just north of the filling stations and arrived at the New Quay behind Pfizer's sports ground. It then ran down the east side of the road, crossed the Stonar Cut and split in two at the Red Lion pub, about where the entrance to the recycling plant now is. One branch crossed the road, and both ran along the road verges to army camps where Pfizer's now is. The eastern branch also served Pierson's Quay. Some anonymous army official coined the name 'Richborough Port' The tree on the right can also be seen, lit up by the sun, in the view of [[5213323]]. Pontoon sections of the Mulberry harbour were stored on the Weatherlees railway sidings during 1944 and were moved from there by Bulleid Austerity Q1 class locomotives.

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