.The legendary "Ukrainian black earth" occupies 27.8 million hectares of the country (about 46% of the territory)Good quality seeds are produced in Ukraine.The lands of Ukraine (Chernozem) have good water-air properties, are characterized by a lumpy or granular structure, content in the soil absorbing complex from 70 to 90% calcium, neutral or almost neutral reaction, increased natural fertility, intensive humification and high (about 15%) content in the upper layers of humus, the content of symbiosis of bacteria and microorganisms.
The most fertile soils are in Ukraine!

 The company guarantees a high survival rate, provided proper care that meets the standards of agricultural technology and meets the needs of a particular type of plant.

The set consists of 5 packages of selected seeds
Description of seeds:

1.Tomato "Alpine Tiger"  0.5g
  Middle-early variety (108-112 days). High yielding. The plant is indeterminate (with unlimited growth), requires a garter. Fruits are round, weighing 120-140 g, with a characteristic color - from green to light green stripes at technical maturity, to red with yellow stripes at biological maturity. The taste is excellent. 20-25 fruits are formed on the plant. The fruits are perfect for all types of canning and fresh use. Grown by seedling method.

2.Tomato "Giant Pepper Cream" 0.1 g
Tomato "Cream Giant" is a tall tomato with elongated large fruits of bright red color, medium ripening. The fruits have a very attractive appearance and excellent taste. The flesh is dense, sweet. Transportability is good. They are characterized by high sugar content and exquisite taste. The fruits are interesting for their versatility: they are one of the best for all types of canning and fresh salads. It is intended for cultivation in all zones of Ukraine.

3.Tomato "Phytophthora-resistant Cream"  0,1g
Mid-late (115-127 days) Tomato variety selected by the Transnistrian Research Institute. The plant is determinant, compact. Inflorescence simple, compact with 5-8 fruits. The first inflorescence is laid over 7-8 leaves. The fruits are round, smooth. Weight 60-100 g. Fruits contain 5-5.4% of dry matter, 2.4-2.6% of sugars, 21-26 mg% of vitamin C, acidity - 0.4-0.6%. The taste is good. Yield 80-100 t / ha. The harvesting period is stretched. Resistant to Alternaria. Designed for the manufacture of concentrated tomato products.

4.Beans "Soldier"  0,1g
Beans "black eye" or in the people "Soldier" - one of the types of cow peas. She has medium-sized white beans with a black eye on the side, which have a very fresh taste

5.Asparagus beans "Ultraranny" 0,1g
 Early-maturing variety of asparagus beans, characterized by high yields. Round plant with yellow pods. Pods without a parchment layer that do not roughen. Use unripe fruits for canning and freezing, as well as a delicacy. Growing conditions. Sowing in a permanent place, the depth of laying - 5 centimeters. The seeds germinate when the soil warms up to 12-15 ° C. Seedlings are sensitive to frost. Placed on well-heated, permeable, sandy, lime-rich soils. The optimum temperature for plant growth and development is 20-25 ° C. Care is timely watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening.
All seeds have been dried to high standards to ensure high germination rates.