You are looking at a rare retired Busytown Richard Scarry track with reversible building. Also includes a passenger car with familiar characters.  A must have for any engineer! In good to very good used condition. See photos for details.

We are selling off a huge part of our Thomas and Friends Wooden Railway train collection. The more than 200 trains range in date from 1994 to 2003 and include some rare trains, battery powered, musical, Brio and more, so be sure to view our listings and save on shipping. Each additional train is only $1 more! Larger items such as lots, buildings, tracks and more will be combined based on weight. If the shipping does not appear correctly, click "request total from seller" in the top right corner of your cart (only available in a browser window on phone or computer, not in the app). Ships carefully bubble wrapped in a bag. If a box is preferred, inquire about shipping costs.