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 ** Out door Water tap..***
FAUCET *  Nozzle tap * Mark TYLORS IVI England *
** Heavy Metal lever Press (Push down to draw liquid) RARE *

Product details & descriptions; 

Original . A hard to find survived item . 

It features;
 1.Raised writing Mark, TYLORS IVI England.
 2. Extra heavy , having a lever handle . You need to push down and hold or its back and get off automatically- this press liver 
suggest a precise use of this facet .
 3. Appears, Extremely fine & well design hardware / fixture for very specific uses.
 4. Overall measure , dimension and made-up suggest , may be part of oil, kerosene tankers / specific chemical tanker ?
 5. There are sign of Red color , may part of fire brigade equipment's of early era. 

Weight- 3370 g.
Size - H- 7.5" , Width- 7" , L-4.5" approx.
Lever - T- 4" x 1.2" x 1.5" Max.
Tape Mouth- 0.75" 
Back pipe hole - 20 mm ,

Over all good.  Moderate working . May need experts refurbishing or repair for use.

Subject to being; 
Old, Used, Previously owned by other . Precisely discarded item subject to timely imperfection.
 All visible on uploaded photo's.

Standard disclaimer;  
My offer products are subject of rarity, uncommon ,hard to find object and these features special entity along with its past history ,its possessive value , its beauty & uniqueness. 


Rare , Faucet , Nozzle tap ,  Antique Faucet , Uncommon Faucet & water tap , Heavy gauge water plumbing tool , Uncommon fixture & hardware.

Thanks for your shopping .