Product Description: You will be buying a Photograph produced using professional photographic lab equipment and printed on high quality photographic paper. Please note that sometimes a small amount of image cropping is neccessary to produce your photograph. Some photographs may have areas of white space along the edges / border. Produced on a Print & Supply basis from an image previously made available on Geograph by the Copyright holder

Condition: New

Size: 6" x 4" - 150mm x 100mm

Copyright (Photograph and text in Photograph Notes): � Copyright Karl and Ali and licensed for reuse under details available here:

Photograph Notes: The cave was apparently discovered in the 19th Century by labourers excavating rock for the nearby railway embankment, when it was slightly longer than its current 20m. The passage varies from 2m to 6m tall and averages about 4m in width. It is an archaeological site yielding animal and human bones and some pottery. The passage is what is known as a 'phreatic tube', a cave formed by solution of the limestone when it was full of water. There are also scallop marks on the roof and walls from which it is possible to deduce the flow direction of the water.

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