Lot of 4 magazines with cover stories or articles focused on How to Write Scripts for Star Trek T.V. Comics, Novels , including success stories. Plus a Journal of the Writers Guild West on writing in general.

Starlog presents Science Fiction TV Writers Platinum Edition, volume 1, 1993, How to Write for Star Trek. Excellent condition.

Starlog Spectacular #3, How to Write Scripts for Star Trek TV, Comics and Novels; Celebrating 25 years, 1991. Cover has come detached from the rest of the magazine and is in kind of rough condition. The rest of the magazine is in good condition. Includes all foldouts, all in good condition. 

Star Trek Communicator the Magazine of the Official Star Trek Fan Club #106, April 1996, How to Write for Star Trek's Tips and Tricks to Getting Your Script Your Script Read. Very  good condition, only some folds on the back cover corners.

The Journal of the Writer Guild of America West, January 1994. General Information on writing. Excellent condition.

See photos as part of description.

The overseas shipping price seems too high but I haven't been able to adjust any shipping details to lower it. For shipping to a particular country send me a message and I'll give you a cost.

Non-smoking home. No musty smells, etc.

Please check out my other items, including other Star Trek magazines, and comics, in my eBay store, The Next Best Things in Life.

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