For your consideration is a vintage booklet published
by the Florence Stove Company, Boston, Mass. 
Copyright 1929. Titled ~Shorter Kitchen Hours~,
Menu planning, by Ina B. Rowe. 36 pages
containing Shorter Kitchen Hours. ~The Modern
Kitchen, The Oldest and Youngest of the Florence
Family ~ How to Get the Best Results from Kerosene ~
Money Saving Suggestions ~ Rules for Meal Planning ~
Taking the Guess Work Out of Cooking ~ Recipes for
Cakes, Pies and Pastry, Vegetables, Hot Breads, Meats ~
Canning ~ Selecting Kerosene Appliances ~ The New
Florence Kerosene Pressure Stove ~ F Model Stove ~
A Model Stove ~ Water Heaters ~ and lots more. Index
is on the last page. The cover has a pattern like the old 
oilcloth table cloths and the spine is about 1/2" wide.