The legendary "Ukrainian black earth" occupies 27.8 million hectares of the country (about 46% of the territory)Good quality seeds are produced in Ukraine.The lands of Ukraine (Chernozem) have good water-air properties, are characterized by a lumpy or granular structure, content in the soil absorbing complex from 70 to 90% calcium, neutral or almost neutral reaction, increased natural fertility, intensive humification and high (about 15%) content in the upper layers of humus, the content of symbiosis of bacteria and microorganisms.
The most fertile soils are in Ukraine!

 The company guarantees a high survival rate, provided proper care that meets the standards of agricultural technology and meets the needs of a particular type of plant.

The set consists of 9 packages of selected seeds
Description of seeds:

Irishka strawberry is a high-yielding remontant variety. All its charm lies in the ability to form large, very sweet berries of dark cherry color. This variety is the first to yield this season. The last ripe berries can be collected when the snowflakes begin to fall. The plant does not form a mustache, which greatly simplifies the care of the crop.

2.Strawberry "Ruyana" 0.05g
Early-ripening variety of remontant strawberry. The bush is small, with many peduncles. The berries are red, fragrant, not inferior in vitamins to wild strawberries. Fruits from June until frost.

3.Strawberry seeds Sashenka F1 0.01 g
Sashenka F1 is an early ripe strawberry variety.
The yield per bush per season is up to 2 kg of berries. Fruiting from June until frost. The berries are large, deep red, very sweet, juicy and fragrant.
Used for making jams, jams, cocktails, dumplings, compotes. When frozen for the winter, the berries retain vitamins for a long time.

4.Lemongrass "Lemongrass" 0.1g
Lemongrass "Lemongrass" - a series of "Kitchens of the peoples of the world." Perennial plant, reaching almost 1.5-1.8 m. Contains natural antioxidants, vitamins A, E, C, nicotinic acid, cleanses the body of toxins, is a natural antidepressant, its smell relieves fatigue, tones. It has a pleasant lemon aroma and citrus flavor. Widely used in cosmetology. Brewed into tea, drink cold with ice. Mandatory ingredient in Thai tom-yam soup.

5.Cabbage "Pak Choi" 0.1g
Cold-resistant, high-yielding, super-early (45-50 days), unpretentious and very popular variety of Chinese cabbage (Pak-choi variety). Grown by sowing seeds in the soil. To get an early harvest, use the seedling method of cultivation (necessarily in pots). The plant is cold-resistant, light-requiring and at the same time resistant to shading. The most favorable temperature for growth and development is 15-22 ° C. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised. Leaf whole, smooth, green, without pubescence. Petiole fleshy, succulent, green (2/3 of the mass of the plant). The weight of one plant is 1.5-3.0 kg. The taste is excellent. The content of ascorbic acid in the stalks is 24.9 mg per 100 g of raw material, in the leaf 119.6 mg per 100 g of raw material. Resistant to shooting. Relatively resistant to mucous and vascular bacteriosis. Recommended for use of leaves and petioles in home cooking.

6.Monarda "Lemon flavor" 0.1g
Monarda "Lemon Aroma"  0.5 g is a bright long-flowering plant - honey plant with shoots that emit a wonderful aroma and unusual pink-purple flowers, attracts bees and butterflies to the garden. Bright flowers of lemon monarda are attractive not only in color but also in unusual shape. They form two or three, and sometimes more flower "floors" at the ends of the stems, growing from each other. This species is especially interesting for growing in backyards, as it can be used not only as an ornamental, but also as a spice and medicinal plant. All parts of the plant have a strong pleasant, slightly spicy aroma. The leaves, stems and flowers contain essential oil, which contains the same components as basil, mint, lemon balm and has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Monarda is widely used as an additive to tea - just a couple of leaves will give a cup of tea a delicious taste, seasoning for meat dishes and salads to stimulate the appetite and improve digestion. SOWING: in the open ground in early spring, followed by diving and transplanting to a permanent place with a distance of 40 cm between plants. Or for seedlings in mid-March - early April to a depth of 0.5-1cm. Seedlings appear in 10-12 days. After 18-20 days, the seedlings dive into small pots, 1-2 times fed with a solution of nitrogen fertilizers (1-1.5 g per 1 liter of water). In mid-May, seedlings are planted in open ground. The plant is cold-resistant. It is undemanding to soils, but prefers light, calcareous; sunny areas and light partial shade, fairly humid places. 
CARE: weeding, watering if necessary. Responsive to organic fertilization. In the case of powdery mildew, the plant is treated with infusions of onions, garlic, tansy, tomato tops, etc. or copper-based preparations (if the plant is grown for ornamental purposes only). 
COLLECTION: for harvesting the stock of monarda cut not less than 20-30 cm from the soil surface in the phase of mass flowering (10-15 days after the beginning of flowering). The grass is dried, crushed and stored as a raw material for other aromatic plants. FLOWERS: July - August.

7.Pepper "Mercedes" 0,1g
Early-maturing variety, to technical maturity - 115-117 days. Fruit weighing 115-117 g, pyramidal shape. In biological maturity the fruit is red, in technical light yellow. Wall thickness - 6-8 mm. Shrub 40-60 cm tall. The culture is warm and moisture-loving. It is better to place in sunny, sheltered from the wind. Grow seedlings, the best age of seedlings 55-56 days.

8.Sweet Gourmet Pepper Seeds 0.1g
Excellent medium-ripe large-fruited variety. The bush is erect, strong, 60-80 cm tall. The fruits are spectacular, cylindrical-cubic, thick-walled 7-9 mm, with a very juicy, tasty, fragrant m and vitamin C. The color of the fruit in technical maturity is dark green, in biological - bright -orange, weight 150-300 g. Resistant to adverse growing conditions.

9.Tomato "Mulatka" 0.1g
Original medium-early variety, a novelty of selection. The bush is strong, well leafy, 60-80 cm tall. The fruits are round, sweet, spicy, exotic color: on a pink background chocolate rays and tan, large, weighing 150-250g, up to 15 fruits are formed on one plant. Fruiting is long - until late autumn.
All seeds have been dried to high standards to ensure high germination rates.

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