Active/Cycled/Seeded dual Sponge Filter 1+ month cycled or more. It comes with one random, free ramshorn snail for an ammonia source. Air hose and air pump not include. Only sponge filter. These cycled filters help speed up the cycle process. Cycling a tank takes anywhere from 4-8 weeks with a new un-cycled filter. Filters up to 20 gallons great. When cycling a tank with a cycled filter, you should test water daily with a test kit until it is fully cycled. Also, when starting this process there MUST be some form of ammonia in the tank water, or the beneficial bacteria in the filter will die off because it will have nothing to feed off of. For best results the water ph should also be around 7 or the beneficial bacteria can die off form that as well and the water temperature needs to be at least 70. If you’re new to the hobby, we also suggest watching an educational video on cycling a tank with a pre cycled sponge filter on YouTube! We do not guarantee an instant cycle. Depending on the size of tank, cycling can still take 2 weeks+. * Water will appear dark or cloudy due to the fact that it is a used, seeded sponge filter full of beneficial bacteria *