Photograph Notes: The altar in the South Aisle is sometimes known as the Lady Chapel, and is surmounted by a painting of the Last Supper and the Sanctuary Lamp, which is kept burning at all times. Here the dappled light of a winter morning is cast through the adjacent window. The accoutrements of the Lady Chapel come from 1921, and were described thus by the Stamford Mercury on April 15th, 1921. �Generous Gift to Abbey Church Mrs. T. M. Baxter has presented a Lady Chapel to Bourne Abbey Church, in commemoration of her husband, the late Mr. Thomas Moore Baxter, who for 27 years served in the office of vicar's warden. The gift is a magnificent one, the altar being 5ft. 9in, in deeply-carved oak, with three panels, richly gilded and coloured in blue and red. The centre panel shows the chalice and sacred monogram, and the side panels the vine and grapes, etc. The cross is 20 inches and the candlesticks 17-and-a-half inches of silver bronze, the floreat head of the cross being of blue and green enamel. The centre panel is of blue enamel, made by the Dryad Metal Works, Leicester, from Mr. Traylen's (Stamford) design. The dosel is of Madonna blue brocaded silk, the orphreys of dark blueplush, edged with gold braid, and the vases are of deeply-cut antique glass. The credence bracket is of carved oak, gilded and coloured. The piscina has been renewed and removed. The super-frontal is of handsome point lace, made and given by Misses Caulton, of Bourne, who have also provides a chalice veil, with deep border of point lace. The architect was Mr. Traylen (Messrs. Traylen and Lenton, of Stamford), the altar, etc., have been carved by Messrs. Bowman and Son (Stamford) and the dosel made by Miss Erskine (Stamford), all from Mr. Traylen's designs. The stonework and all necessary decoration has been carried out by Mr. John Wright. A small bronze memorial tablet is fixed on the wall bearing the inscription: - �To the honour and glory of God, and in loving memory of Thomas Moore Baxter, 27 years Churchwarden of this Church. Born August 15th, 1854, at rest, April 10th, 1920.� The cost of the Lady Chapel was partly defrayed by Mr. Baxter's legacy of �100, but the balance has been borne by Mrs. Baxter as a gift of love and gratitude. A special celebration of the holy communion was held on Sunday morning, when the Lady Chapel was dedicated. At the morning service special reference was made by the vicar to the munificent gift. Referring to it as a memorial, the Vicar remarked how many of them during the past year had wished that Mr. Baxter were present to give them the advantage of his opinion, not only in connection with the Church, but also with the business life of the town.� It is clear that not all the fittings have survived, but the structure is still the same.

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Condition: New

Size: 6" x 4" - 150mm x 100mm

Copyright (Photograph and text in Photograph Notes): � Copyright Bob Harvey and licensed for reuse under details available here:

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