
PLAQUE OUT Dogs and Cats 200G Pouch Plaque Off Dogs Bad Breath Tartar Removal

Product Description

MULTI MITE - Plaque Out® 200gram Pouch

✅ Plaque Out - 100% Natural solution to oral hygiene problems including plaque, tartar and bad breath, suitable for Cats & Dogs. Our seaweed blend contains vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants and trace elements plus it is rich in natural iodine. Acts to soften and remove tartar and plaque build up potentially saving on huge vets bills and dental care!

✅ How it Works - Once Plaque Out has been ingested, it releases an enzyme that makes its way into the saliva of the animal. This enzyme softens plaque and tartar, making it easier to remove through chewing or brushing. Results can be seen from 3 weeks with daily use.

✅ Why Oral Hygiene is so Important - 70% of cats and 85% of dogs over 3 years old have symptoms of poor oral hygiene. This can have many negative effects including pain, infections and of course tooth loss. Oral infections can also spread to vital organs and may cause organ failure if untreated.

✅ Prevention is better than cure - Using Plaque Out, will not only help rid your pet of existing tartar and plaque build up, but will help prevent against future build up if used ongoing. Give your pet a head start against dental problems, our 100% natural product can be used from 12 weeks of age.

✅ Easy to Use - Simply mix the recommended dose - Small dogs up to 10kg & cats 1/2 -1 scoop, Med dogs 10-25kg 1-2 scoops, Lrg dogs & Giant breeds 2-3 scoops on to food once a day. (Scoop Included)

✅ Peace of Mind - Multi Mite is a long standing family owned business based in the UK. We are DEFRA registered Animal Feed and Supplement manufacturers and have many years experience in the sourcing and supply of Natural based health products.