Super Health Benefits of Water Kefir

As a natural product, Water Kefir works by slowly regulating the organism and helping it become healthier.

If you expect a rapid overnight result, then forget about it. Water Kefir can be indicated in nervous disorders, internal ulcers, bronchial catarrh, sclerosis, myocardial infarction, liver and gall bladder disorders, kidney problems, stomach and intestinal diseases, diarrhea or constipation, anemia, allergies, dermatitis and other skin problems such as eczema. It’s use on an ongoing basis proves to have excellent effects in convalescence after serious diseases. It can also help regulate blood pressure and weight control, and has good results during pregnancy and abdominal feminine discomfort.

Kefir prevents intestinal putrefaction, which is the cause of multiple disorders, and contributes to the body’s depuration. It doesn’t alter the digestive process. It should be drunk on a daily basis, and depending on the condition, once or more times a day. In chronic conditions, great quantities of Kefir should be drunk, 3 times daily, about ½ a liter (approx. 2 cups) each time.

The table below indicates suggested doses indicated for some conditions: Nervousness1 liter dailyUlcers1 liter daily (they disappear after 2 months)Asthma1 liter daily (during a longer time)Bronchial Catarrh1 liter dailyAnemia / Leukemia1 to 2 liters daily (check blood test values after 2 months)Sclerosis1 liter dailyDermatitis / Eczemas /Skin Allergies1/2 liter daily + local application over affected skin letting it dry. Wash hands and face (after 2 to 4 weeks allergy disappears)Cystitis1 liter dailyKidney Problems1 liter dailyGall Bladder Disorders1 liter dailyTo regulate Blood Pressure1/2 liter daily

You will receive 100g of live water kefir grains which can be used to ferment any fruit juice or sugar/water mix resulting in a tasty probiotic soda bevarage which is great for the gut and helps boost your immune system. Fermenting is quick and easy, it only takes 24h to ferment up to 1 litre of water kefir. Please note: Sometimes the grains will have a slightly brown appearance due to added nutrients.

They will grow, after one week the amount of them will be doubled


Water kefir grains can be used to ferment any fruit juice or water containing sugar. Although it contains sugar the result of fermentation breaks down the sugar so as to not affect the body in the same way as regular sugar.

How to make Kefir

1. Add the grains to sugar water or fruit juice of your choice in a glass jar.

2. Close lid or cover with a tea towel and secure with elastic band so nothing can contaminate the ferment.

3. Kefir normally ferments within 24h but can take longer, when fermented the water should be cloudy and have a slightly yeasty aroma and sometimes generates bubbles (CO2) but bubbles aren't always present at this stage - don't worry it doesn't mean that it's not fermenting properly.

3. Once you're satisfied your kefir has fermented enough you can separate the grains.

4. At this stage the kefir can either be bottled and drank or it can be fermented for a second time with added ingredients such as fruit or juice, ferment for 2-3 days in a sealed bottle (to create CO2) be careful they can explode, release excess CO2 every few hours.

Detailed instructions are included along with a recipe idea.