Beautiful hand made sterling silver Earrings with Garnet & Amethyst. This combination has been a very popular one this year and we are now offering earrings to match as well. 

Approximately 4 cms drop.

The Greeks believed amethyst to be a powerful antidote to drunkeness - "amethustos" means to be sober and both the Greeks and the Romans would make goblets from amethyst to guard againt the effects of excessive wine. Amethyst is actually one of the most effective crystals for all round healing work and it is believed that it can even charge other crystals with its healing powers. When kept under your pillow or worn at night, many have found that it helps to relieve insomnia and prevent nightmares.

Mythology recounts that when the skies were blacked out with rain that it was a garnet that illuminated Noah's ark. Similarly the crusaders wore a garnet, believing that it would illuminate their way home. Garnet is known to physically heat cold fingers and toes, it improves a sluggish circulation and relieves rheumatic joints. Emotionally, garnet can help to melt frozen feelings and paralysing fear. Garnet is a stone of passion and helps in matters of love and sensuality.