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BOSS - TU-3 - Accordage Chromatique

Le BOSS TU-3 est le successeur de l'accordeur de scène le plus vendu au monde : le TU-2. Il est logé dans un boîtier de pédale résistant aux pires traitements, le TU-3 dispose d’un vumètre à 21 segments (LED) et d’un mode « High Brightness » garantissant sa lisibilité en plein soleil. Il est un accordeur chromatique intégré dans une pédale solide, également appelé un accordeur de scène. Le TU-3 a un vu-mètre à 21 segments (LED) avec un mode High-Brightness, afin que vous puissiez vous accorder avec précision sur la plupart des scènes sombres. Cet accordeur pratique et puissant est décidément voué à compléter les pédaliers des bassistes et guitaristes du monde entier.

Caractéristiques :

  • Vumètre à 21 segments (LED) avec commande d’intensité lumineuse
  • Mode ‘High Brightness’ pour une lisibilité parfaite en extérieur
  • Accurate to +/- one cent
  • Fonction ‘Accu-Pitch Sign’ permettant un contrôle visuel de l’accordage
  • Modes d’accordage ‘Chromatic’ et ‘Guitar/Bass’ (accordage par cordes et reconnaissance des guitares à 7 cordes et des basses à 6 cordes)
  • Mode ‘Guitar Flat’ permettant d’accorder la guitare en descendant jusqu’à six demi-tons plus bas que le diapason
  • Coupure automatique du signal quand l’accordeur est activé
  • Permet d’alimenter jusqu’à 7 pédales d’effet BOSS compactes
  • BOSS 5 ans de garantie



95,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

BOSS - TU-3 - Chromatic tuning

The BOSS TU-3 is the successor to the world's best-selling stage tuner: the TU-2. It is housed in a worst-case pedal box, the TU-3 has a 21-segment meter (LED) and a "High Brightness" mode ensuring its readability in direct sunlight. It is a chromatic tuner built into a solid pedal, also called a stage tuner. The TU-3 has a 21-segment LED meter with High-Brightness mode, so you can tune in precisely on most dark scenes. This practical and powerful tuner is definitely destined to complement the pedals of bassists and guitarists around the world.


  • 21-segment meter (LED) with light intensity control
  • ‘High Brightness’ mode for perfect readability outdoors
  • Accurate to +/- one cent
  • U Accu-Pitch Sign ’function for visual tuning control
  • ‘Chromatic’ and ‘Guitar / Bass’ tuning modes (string tuning and recognition of 7-string guitars and 6-string basses)
  • ‘Guitar Flat’ mode for tuning the guitar down six semitones lower than the tuning fork
  • Automatic signal cut-off when the tuner is activated
  • Power up to 7 compact BOSS effect pedals
  • BOSS 5 year warranty



95,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


BOSS - TU-3 - Chromatic tuning

The BOSS TU-3 is the successor to the world's best-selling stage tuner: the TU-2. It is housed in a worst-case pedal box, the TU-3 has a 21-segment meter (LED) and a "High Brightness" mode ensuring its readability in direct sunlight. It is a chromatic tuner built into a solid pedal, also called a stage tuner. The TU-3 has a 21-segment LED meter with High-Brightness mode, so you can tune in precisely on most dark scenes. This practical and powerful tuner is definitely destined to complement the pedals of bassists and guitarists around the world.


  • 21-segment meter (LED) with light intensity control
  • ‘High Brightness’ mode for perfect readability outdoors
  • Accurate to +/- one cent
  • U Accu-Pitch Sign ’function for visual tuning control
  • ‘Chromatic’ and ‘Guitar / Bass’ tuning modes (string tuning and recognition of 7-string guitars and 6-string basses)
  • ‘Guitar Flat’ mode for tuning the guitar down six semitones lower than the tuning fork
  • Automatic signal cut-off when the tuner is activated
  • Power up to 7 compact BOSS effect pedals
  • BOSS 5 year warranty



95,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


BOSS - TU-3 - Chromatic tuning

The BOSS TU-3 is the successor to the world's best-selling stage tuner: the TU-2. It is housed in a worst-case pedal box, the TU-3 has a 21-segment meter (LED) and a "High Brightness" mode ensuring its readability in direct sunlight. It is a chromatic tuner built into a solid pedal, also called a stage tuner. The TU-3 has a 21-segment LED meter with High-Brightness mode, so you can tune in precisely on most dark scenes. This practical and powerful tuner is definitely destined to complement the pedals of bassists and guitarists around the world.


  • 21-segment meter (LED) with light intensity control
  • ‘High Brightness’ mode for perfect readability outdoors
  • Accurate to +/- one cent
  • U Accu-Pitch Sign ’function for visual tuning control
  • ‘Chromatic’ and ‘Guitar / Bass’ tuning modes (string tuning and recognition of 7-string guitars and 6-string basses)
  • ‘Guitar Flat’ mode for tuning the guitar down six semitones lower than the tuning fork
  • Automatic signal cut-off when the tuner is activated
  • Power up to 7 compact BOSS effect pedals
  • BOSS 5 year warranty



95,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


BOSS - TU-3 - Chromatic tuning

The BOSS TU-3 is the successor to the world's best-selling stage tuner: the TU-2. It is housed in a worst-case pedal box, the TU-3 has a 21-segment meter (LED) and a "High Brightness" mode ensuring its readability in direct sunlight. It is a chromatic tuner built into a solid pedal, also called a stage tuner. The TU-3 has a 21-segment LED meter with High-Brightness mode, so you can tune in precisely on most dark scenes. This practical and powerful tuner is definitely destined to complement the pedals of bassists and guitarists around the world.


  • 21-segment meter (LED) with light intensity control
  • ‘High Brightness’ mode for perfect readability outdoors
  • Accurate to +/- one cent
  • U Accu-Pitch Sign ’function for visual tuning control
  • ‘Chromatic’ and ‘Guitar / Bass’ tuning modes (string tuning and recognition of 7-string guitars and 6-string basses)
  • ‘Guitar Flat’ mode for tuning the guitar down six semitones lower than the tuning fork
  • Automatic signal cut-off when the tuner is activated
  • Power up to 7 compact BOSS effect pedals
  • BOSS 5 year warranty
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Boss agréé